tracker_help($route_name, RouteMatchInterface $route_match)
Implements hook_help().
- core/modules/tracker/tracker.module, line 18
- Tracks recent content posted by a user or users.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 | function tracker_help( $route_name , RouteMatchInterface $route_match ) { switch ( $route_name ) { case '' : $output = '<h3>' . t( 'About' ) . '</h3>' ; $output .= '<p>' . t( 'The Activity Tracker module displays the most recently added and updated content on your site, and allows you to follow new content created by each user. This module has no configuration options. For more information, see the <a href=":tracker">online documentation for the Activity Tracker module</a>.' , array ( ':tracker' => '' )) . '</p>' ; $output .= '<h3>' . t( 'Uses' ) . '</h3>' ; $output .= '<dl>' ; $output .= '<dt>' . t( 'Tracking new and updated site content' ) . '</dt>' ; $output .= '<dd>' . t( 'The <a href=":recent">Recent content</a> page shows new and updated content in reverse chronological order, listing the content type, title, author\'s name, number of comments, and time of last update. Content is considered updated when changes occur in the text, or when new comments are added. The <em>My recent content</em> tab limits the list to the currently logged-in user.' , array ( ':recent' => \Drupal::url( '' ))) . '</dd>' ; $output .= '<dt>' . t( 'Tracking user-specific content' ) . '</dt>' ; $output .= '<dd>' . t( "To follow a specific user's new and updated content, select the <em>Activity</em> tab from the user's profile page." ) . '</dd>' ; $output .= '</dl>' ; return $output ; } } |
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