(PECL CUBRID >= 8.4.1)
Bind a lob object or a string as a lob object to a prepared statement as parameters.
bool cubrid_lob2_bind ( resource $req_identifier, int $bind_index, mixed $bind_value [, string $bind_value_type ] )
The cubrid_lob2_bind() function is used to bind BLOB/CLOB datas to a corresponding question mark placeholder in the SQL statement that was passed to cubrid_prepare(). If bind_value_type
is not given, string will be "BLOB" as the default. But if you use cubrid_lob2_new() before, bind_value_type
will be consistent with type
in cubrid_lob2_new() as the default.
Request identifier as a result of cubrid_prepare().
Location of binding parameters. It starts with 1.
Actual value for binding.
It must be "BLOB" or "CLOB" and it won't be case-sensitive. If it not be given, the default value is "BLOB".
, when process is successful.
, when process is unsuccessful.
cubrid_lob2_bind() example
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 | <?php // Table: test_lob (id INT, contents CLOB) $conn = cubrid_connect( "localhost" , 33000, "demodb" , "dba" , "" ); cubrid_execute( $conn , "DROP TABLE if exists test_lob" ); cubrid_execute( $conn , "CREATE TABLE test_lob (id INT, contents CLOB)" ); $req = cubrid_prepare( $conn , "INSERT INTO test_lob VALUES (?, ?)" ); cubrid_bind( $req ,1, 3); $lob = cubrid_lob2_new( $conn , 'CLOB' ); cubrid_lob2_bind( $req , 2, $lob ); cubrid_execute( $req ); cubrid_bind( $req , 1, 4); cubrid_lob2_bind( $req , 2, 'CUBRID LOB2 TEST' , 'CLOB' ); cubrid_execute( $req ); cubrid_disconnect( $conn ); ?> |
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