
(PHP 4 >= 4.0.2, PHP 5 <= 5.0.5, PECL ingres >= 1.0.0)
Commit a transaction
bool ingres_commit ( resource $link )

ingres_commit() commits the currently open transaction, making all changes made to the database permanent.

This closes the transaction. A new transaction can be opened by sending a query with ingres_query().

You can also have the server commit automatically after every query by calling ingres_autocommit() before opening the transaction.

By default Ingres will roll back any uncommitted transactions at the end of a request. Use this function or ingres_autocommit() to ensure your that data is committed to the database.


The connection link identifier


Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.

See also:

ingres_query() -

ingres_rollback() -

ingres_autocommit() -

2016-02-24 16:16:57
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