
(PHP 5, PHP 7)
Returns the result from dividing two variants
mixed variant_div ( mixed $left, mixed $right )

Divides left by right and returns the result.


The left operand.


The right operand.

Variant Division Rules
If Then
Both expressions are of the string, date, character, boolean type Double is returned
One expression is a string type and the other a character Division and a double is returned
One expression is numeric and the other is a string Division and a double is returned.
Both expressions are numeric Division and a double is returned
Either expression is NULL NULL is returned
right is empty and left is anything but empty A com_exception with code DISP_E_DIVBYZERO is thrown
left is empty and right is anything but empty. 0 as type double is returned
Both expressions are empty A com_exception with code DISP_E_OVERFLOW is thrown
See also:

variant_idiv() -

2016-02-24 16:14:27
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