

interface ConnectionInterface (View source)


Builder table(string $table)

Begin a fluent query against a database table.

Expression raw(mixed $value)

Get a new raw query expression.

mixed selectOne(string $query, array $bindings = array())

Run a select statement and return a single result.

array select(string $query, array $bindings = array())

Run a select statement against the database.

bool insert(string $query, array $bindings = array())

Run an insert statement against the database.

int update(string $query, array $bindings = array())

Run an update statement against the database.

int delete(string $query, array $bindings = array())

Run a delete statement against the database.

bool statement(string $query, array $bindings = array())

Execute an SQL statement and return the boolean result.

int affectingStatement(string $query, array $bindings = array())

Run an SQL statement and get the number of rows affected.

bool unprepared(string $query)

Run a raw, unprepared query against the PDO connection.

array prepareBindings(array $bindings)

Prepare the query bindings for execution.

mixed transaction(Closure $callback, int $attempts = 1)

Execute a Closure within a transaction.

void beginTransaction()

Start a new database transaction.

void commit()

Commit the active database transaction.

void rollBack()

Rollback the active database transaction.

int transactionLevel()

Get the number of active transactions.

array pretend(Closure $callback)

Execute the given callback in "dry run" mode.

2025-01-10 15:47:30
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