

trait ApplicationTrait (View source)


$this expectsEvents(array|mixed $events)

Specify a list of events that should be fired for the given operation.

$this withSession(array $data)

Set the session to the given array.

void session(array $data)

Set the session to the given array.

void flushSession()

Flush all of the current session data.

$this withoutMiddleware()

Disable middleware for the test.

$this actingAs(Authenticatable $user, string|null $driver = null)

Set the currently logged in user for the application.

void be(Authenticatable $user, string|null $driver = null)

Set the currently logged in user for the application.

void seed(string $class = 'DatabaseSeeder')

Seed a given database connection.

int artisan(string $command, array $parameters = array())

Call artisan command and return code.

2016-11-02 16:06:00
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