

class Factory implements Factory (View source)


void __construct(EngineResolver $engines, ViewFinderInterface $finder, Dispatcher $events)

Create a new view factory instance.

View file(string $path, array $data = array(), array $mergeData = array())

Get the evaluated view contents for the given view.

View make(string $view, array $data = array(), array $mergeData = array())

Get the evaluated view contents for the given view.

View of(string $view, mixed $data = array())

Get the evaluated view contents for a named view.

void name(string $view, string $name)

Register a named view.

void alias(string $view, string $alias)

Add an alias for a view.

bool exists(string $view)

Determine if a given view exists.

string renderEach(string $view, array $data, string $iterator, string $empty = 'raw|')

Get the rendered contents of a partial from a loop.

EngineInterface getEngineFromPath(string $path)

Get the appropriate view engine for the given path.

mixed share(array|string $key, mixed $value = null)

Add a piece of shared data to the environment.

array creator(array|string $views, Closure|string $callback)

Register a view creator event.

array composers(array $composers)

Register multiple view composers via an array.

array composer(array|string $views, Closure|string $callback, int|null $priority = null)

Register a view composer event.

void callComposer(View $view)

Call the composer for a given view.

void callCreator(View $view)

Call the creator for a given view.

void startSection(string $section, string $content = '')

Start injecting content into a section.

void inject(string $section, string $content)

Inject inline content into a section.

string yieldSection()

Stop injecting content into a section and return its contents.

string stopSection(bool $overwrite = false)

Stop injecting content into a section.

string appendSection()

Stop injecting content into a section and append it.

string yieldContent(string $section, string $default = '')

Get the string contents of a section.

void startPush(string $section, string $content = '')

Start injecting content into a push section.

string stopPush()

Stop injecting content into a push section.

string yieldPushContent(string $section, string $default = '')

Get the string contents of a push section.

void flushSections()

Flush all of the section contents.

void flushSectionsIfDoneRendering()

Flush all of the section contents if done rendering.

void incrementRender()

Increment the rendering counter.

void decrementRender()

Decrement the rendering counter.

bool doneRendering()

Check if there are no active render operations.

void addLoop(Countable|array $data)

Add new loop to the stack.

void incrementLoopIndices()

Increment the top loop's indices.

void popLoop()

Pop a loop from the top of the loop stack.

array getFirstLoop()

Get an instance of the first loop in the stack.

array getLoopStack()

Get the entire loop stack.

void addLocation(string $location)

Add a location to the array of view locations.

void addNamespace(string $namespace, string|array $hints)

Add a new namespace to the loader.

void prependNamespace(string $namespace, string|array $hints)

Prepend a new namespace to the loader.

void addExtension(string $extension, string $engine, Closure $resolver = null)

Register a valid view extension and its engine.

array getExtensions()

Get the extension to engine bindings.

EngineResolver getEngineResolver()

Get the engine resolver instance.

ViewFinderInterface getFinder()

Get the view finder instance.

void setFinder(ViewFinderInterface $finder)

Set the view finder instance.

Dispatcher getDispatcher()

Get the event dispatcher instance.

void setDispatcher(Dispatcher $events)

Set the event dispatcher instance.

Container getContainer()

Get the IoC container instance.

void setContainer(Container $container)

Set the IoC container instance.

mixed shared(string $key, mixed $default = null)

Get an item from the shared data.

array getShared()

Get all of the shared data for the environment.

bool hasSection(string $name)

Check if section exists.

array getSections()

Get the entire array of sections.

array getNames()

Get all of the registered named views in environment.

2025-01-10 15:47:30
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