
class django.views.generic.list.ListView

A page representing a list of objects.

While this view is executing, self.object_list will contain the list of objects (usually, but not necessarily a queryset) that the view is operating upon.

Ancestors (MRO)

This view inherits methods and attributes from the following views:

Method Flowchart

  1. dispatch()
  2. http_method_not_allowed()
  3. get_template_names()
  4. get_queryset()
  5. get_context_object_name()
  6. get_context_data()
  7. get()
  8. render_to_response()


from django.views.generic.list import ListView
from django.utils import timezone

from articles.models import Article

class ArticleListView(ListView):

    model = Article

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):
        context = super(ArticleListView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
        context['now'] =
        return context

Example myapp/

from django.conf.urls import url

from article.views import ArticleListView

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^$', ArticleListView.as_view(), name='article-list'),

Example myapp/article_list.html:

{% for article in object_list %}
    <li>{{ article.pub_date|date }} - {{ article.headline }}</li>
{% empty %}
    <li>No articles yet.</li>
{% endfor %}
2016-10-09 18:41:11
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