

skimage.future.graph.draw_rag(labels, rag, img, border_color=None, node_color='#ffff00', edge_color='#00ff00', colormap=None, thresh=inf, desaturate=False, in_place=True) [source]

Draw a Region Adjacency Graph on an image.

Given a labelled image and its corresponding RAG, draw the nodes and edges of the RAG on the image with the specified colors. Nodes are marked by the centroids of the corresponding regions.


labels : ndarray, shape (M, N)

The labelled image.

rag : RAG

The Region Adjacency Graph.

img : ndarray, shape (M, N, 3)

Input image.

border_color : colorspec, optional

Any matplotlib colorspec.

node_color : colorspec, optional

Any matplotlib colorspec. Yellow by default.

edge_color : colorspec, optional

Any matplotlib colorspec. Green by default.

colormap : colormap, optional

Any matplotlib colormap. If specified the edges are colormapped with the specified color map.

thresh : float, optional

Edges with weight below thresh are not drawn, or considered for color mapping.

desaturate : bool, optional

Convert the image to grayscale before displaying. Particularly helps visualization when using the colormap option.

in_place : bool, optional

If set, the RAG is modified in place. For each node n the function will set a new attribute rag.node[n]['centroid'].


out : ndarray, shape (M, N, 3)

The image with the RAG drawn.


>>> from skimage import data, segmentation
>>> from skimage.future import graph
>>> img = data.coffee()
>>> labels = segmentation.slic(img)
>>> g =  graph.rag_mean_color(img, labels)
>>> out = graph.draw_rag(labels, g, img)
2017-01-12 17:20:49
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