

skimage.graph.shortest_path(arr, reach=1, axis=-1, output_indexlist=False) [source]

Find the shortest path through an n-d array from one side to another.


arr : ndarray of float64

reach : int, optional

By default (reach = 1), the shortest path can only move one row up or down for every step it moves forward (i.e., the path gradient is limited to 1). reach defines the number of elements that can be skipped along each non-axis dimension at each step.

axis : int, optional

The axis along which the path must always move forward (default -1)

output_indexlist: bool, optional

See return value p for explanation.


p : iterable of int

For each step along axis, the coordinate of the shortest path. If output_indexlist is True, then the path is returned as a list of n-d tuples that index into arr. If False, then the path is returned as an array listing the coordinates of the path along the non-axis dimensions for each step along the axis dimension. That is, p.shape == (arr.shape[axis], arr.ndim-1) except that p is squeezed before returning so if arr.ndim == 2, then p.shape == (arr.shape[axis],)

cost : float

Cost of path. This is the absolute sum of all the differences along the path.

2017-01-12 17:23:28
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