

class skimage.viewer.canvastools.ThickLineTool(manager, on_move=None, on_enter=None, on_release=None, on_change=None, maxdist=10, line_props=None, handle_props=None) [source]

Bases: skimage.viewer.canvastools.linetool.LineTool

Widget for line selection in a plot.

The thickness of the line can be varied using the mouse scroll wheel, or with the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ keys.


manager : Viewer or PlotPlugin.

Skimage viewer or plot plugin object.

on_move : function

Function called whenever a control handle is moved. This function must accept the end points of line as the only argument.

on_release : function

Function called whenever the control handle is released.

on_enter : function

Function called whenever the “enter” key is pressed.

on_change : function

Function called whenever the line thickness is changed.

maxdist : float

Maximum pixel distance allowed when selecting control handle.

line_props : dict

Properties for matplotlib.lines.Line2D.

handle_props : dict

Marker properties for the handles (also see matplotlib.lines.Line2D).


end_points (2D array) End points of line ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)).
__init__(manager, on_move=None, on_enter=None, on_release=None, on_change=None, maxdist=10, line_props=None, handle_props=None) [source]
on_key_press(event) [source]
on_scroll(event) [source]
2017-01-12 17:23:45
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