
FerroMenu - A simple, responsive and customizable jQuery menu plugin

FerroMenu is a free jQuery plugin that allows you to create animatable bubble menus in a cool way and drag them through the screen. It is built with pure HTML5 and CSS3. Transitions and animations are CSS3 native, so they result smooth and performing. Everything is responsive. With several options you can customize the behaviuor of FerroMenu. It can be dragged around the screen, or you can set the transition time, delay and easing.   

Text Effects - a sci-fi style awesome effect made with jQuery

Text Effects is a sci-fi style awesome effect made with jQuery. As a jQuery plugin, you can simply implement the effect on your website with only one line of script.  

JointJS - Create HTML5 interactive diagrams in JavaScript easily

JointJS is a modern HTML 5 JavaScript library for visualization and interaction with diagrams and graphs. It can be used to create either static diagrams or, and more importantly, fully interactive diagramming tools and application builders. JointJS makes it easy to create visual languages & tools of various kinds.   The event-driven nature together with MVC architecture of JointJS makes it easy to plug-in any backend application.   JointJS - Features: basic diagram elements (rect, circ

JZoopraxiscope - jQuery plugin for making animations from static images

JZoopraxiscope is a jQuery plugin for making animations from static images inspired in Eadweard Muybridge's Zoopraxiscope.  

Animelt - The jQuery plugin for complex animations

Animelt is a jQuery plugin for complex animations, and it's easy to use. <script src="assets/animelt.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> $("div").animelt({ width: "40px", border: "2px solid #000" }, 1000, function(){ console.log("It's finished!"); }); // fantastic $("div").animelt({ transform: "rotateX(30deg) rotateY(120deg)" }, 600); // incredible </script>

rainyday.js - simulating raindrops falling on the surface of any image

rainyday.js is a simple script for simulating raindrops falling on a glass surface.   It is a JavaScript library that makes use of the HTML5 canvas to render an animation of raindrops falling on the surface of any image.      

jQuery.VideoBG - an HTML5 video background plugin

  jQuery.VideoBG plugin enables web designers to use an HTML5 video as a background or any div to a website very easily.    

Scrollorama - a jQuery plugin for doing cool scrolling effects

Scrollorama is a jQuery plugin for doing cool scrolly stuff.  It will take almost any HTML elements ( including images, videos, texts ) within a webpage and animate them in conjunction with the scrolling of web pages. This scrolling effects plugin includes many eye candy effects, such as fading, zooming, rotating or pinning an HTML element. One can use this scrolling animation plugin to design an astonishing web page easily. Besides Scrollorama, SuperScrollorama is also a choice for for des