
Quicksand - a jQuery plugin for reordering and filtering items

Quicksand is a jQuery plugin for reordering and filtering items with a nice shuffling animation.   At the very basic level, Quicksand replaces one collection of items with another. All you need to do is provide those sets of items. You can do it in a couple of ways: Use plain HTML, like an unordered list. Download data by an Ajax call Transform HTML items by JavaScript (for example, sort them differently)  

Mosaic Flow - Pinterest like responsive image grid for jQuery

Mosaic Flow is a Pinterest like responsive image or HTML grid plugin for jQuery.    Mosaic Flow - Features: Simple and easy to install. Responsive (shows as many columns as needed). Very fast. Only 1.5 KB (minified gzipped). You can use bare <img> tags or arbitrary HTML.   

jQuery Grid 'Em - apply horizontal spacing on a list of items

jQuery Grid 'Em is a simple jQuery plugin that allows you to evenly apply horizontal spacing on a list of items across multiple rows on a page.   

Formee - Fresh baked forms for your websites

Formee is nothing but a framework to help you develop and customize web based forms. Did you use to spend a lot of time aligning fields and calculating margins and paddings in a quest for a perfect form? No more!   Formee - Features: Crossbrowser Don't worry about having your form being rendered differently in the major browsers. Flexible It fits into your project, it's flexible enough to adapt to the width you have available for the form. Customizable You can easily change between a

BlocksIt.js - Dynamic Grid Layout jQuery Plugin

BlocksIt.js is a jQuery plugin for creating dynamic grid layout. It manages to convert HTML elements into 'blocks' and position them in well-arranged grid layout like Pinterest. It allows join of 2 or more blocks into a big block element.  

Wookmark - A jQuery plugin to create a dynamic, multi-column layout

Wookmark is a jQuery plugin for laying out a dynamic grid of elements. It detects the size of the window and automatically organizes the images into columns to make the columns being approximately of equal height.  

Baseline - a framework built around the idea of a “real” baseline grid

Baseline is a framework built around the idea of a “real” baseline grid.   Built with typographic standards in mind, Baseline makes it easy to develop a website with a pleasing grid and good typography. Baseline starts with several files to reset the browser's default behavior, build a basic typographic layout - including style for HTML forms and new HTML 5 elements - and build a simple grid system. Baseline was born to be a quick way to prototype a website and grew up to become a full typogr

Gridly - a jQuery plugin to enable dragging and dropping as well as resizing on a grid

Gridly is a jQuery plugin to enable dragging and dropping as well as resizing on a grid.    

HTML5 Sortable - a plugin to create sortable lists and grids

HTML5 Sortable is a jQuery plugin to create sortable lists and grids using native HTML5 drag and drop API.   This sortable plugin has the following features: Less than 1KB (minified and gzipped). Built using native HTML5 drag and drop API. Supports both list and grid style layouts. Similar API and behaviour to jquery-ui sortable plugin. Works in IE 5.5+, Firefox 3.5+, Chrome 3+, Safari 3+, and Opera 12+.