
tf.contrib.graph_editor.SubGraphView.inputs The input tensors of this subgraph view.


tf.contrib.graph_editor.SubGraphView.graph The underlying tf.Graph.


tf.contrib.graph_editor.SubGraphView.find_op_by_name(op_name) Return the op named op_name. Args: op_name: the name to search for Returns: The op named op_name. Raises: ValueError: if the op_name could not be found. AssertionError: if the name was found multiple time.


tf.contrib.graph_editor.SubGraphView.copy() Return a copy of itself. Note that this class is a "view", copying it only create another view and does not copy the underlying part of the tf.Graph. Returns: A new instance identical to the original one.


tf.contrib.graph_editor.SubGraphView.consumers() Return a Python set of all the consumers of this subgraph view.


tf.contrib.graph_editor.SubGraphView.connected_outputs The connected output tensors of this subgraph view.


tf.contrib.graph_editor.SubGraphView.connected_inputs The connected input tensors of this subgraph view.


class tf.contrib.graph_editor.SubGraphView A subgraph view on an existing tf.Graph. An instance of this class is a subgraph view on an existing tf.Graph. "subgraph" means that it can represent part of the whole tf.Graph. "view" means that it only provides a passive observation and do not to act on the tf.Graph. Note that in this documentation, the term "subgraph" is often used as substitute to "subgraph view". A subgraph contains: * a list of input tensors, accessible via the "inputs" property


tf.contrib.graph_editor.sgv_scope(scope, graph) Make a subgraph from a name scope. Args: scope: the name of the scope. graph: the tf.Graph. Returns: A subgraph view representing the given scope.


tf.contrib.graph_editor.sgv(*args, **kwargs) Create a SubGraphView from selected operations and passthrough tensors. Args: *args: list of 1) regular expressions (compiled or not) or 2) (array of) tf.Operation 3) (array of) tf.Tensor. Those objects will be converted into a list of operations and a list of candidate for passthrough tensors. **kwargs: keyword graph is used 1) to check that the ops and ts are from the correct graph 2) for regular expression query Returns: A subgraph view. Rais