
Status tensorflow::Env::NewWritableFile(const string &fname, std::unique_ptr< WritableFile > *result) Creates an object that writes to a new file with the specified name. Deletes any existing file with the same name and creates a new file. On success, stores a pointer to the new file in *result and returns OK. On failure stores NULL in *result and returns non-OK. The returned file will only be accessed by one thread at a time. The ownership of the returned WritableFile is passed to t


Status tensorflow::Env::NewReadOnlyMemoryRegionFromFile(const string &fname, std::unique_ptr< ReadOnlyMemoryRegion > *result) Creates a readonly region of memory with the file context. On success, it returns a pointer to read-only memory region from the content of file fname. The ownership of the region is passed to the caller. On failure stores nullptr in *result and returns non-OK. The returned memory region can be accessed from many threads in parallel. The ownership of the return


Status tensorflow::Env::NewRandomAccessFile(const string &fname, std::unique_ptr< RandomAccessFile > *result) Creates a brand new random access read-only file with the specified name. On success, stores a pointer to the new file in *result and returns OK. On failure stores NULL in *result and returns non-OK. If the file does not exist, returns a non-OK status. The returned file may be concurrently accessed by multiple threads. The ownership of the returned RandomAccessFile is passed


Status tensorflow::Env::NewAppendableFile(const string &fname, std::unique_ptr< WritableFile > *result) Creates an object that either appends to an existing file, or writes to a new file (if the file does not exist to begin with). On success, stores a pointer to the new file in *result and returns OK. On failure stores NULL in *result and returns non-OK. The returned file will only be accessed by one thread at a time. The ownership of the returned WritableFile is passed to the caller


virtual Status tensorflow::Env::LoadLibrary(const char *library_filename, void **handle)=0


Status tensorflow::Env::IsDirectory(const string &fname) Returns whether the given path is a directory or not. Typical return codes (not guaranteed exhaustive): OK - The path exists and is a directory. FAILED_PRECONDITION - The path exists and is not a directory. NOT_FOUND - The path entry does not exist. PERMISSION_DENIED - Insufficient permissions. UNIMPLEMENTED - The file factory doesn't support directories.


virtual Status tensorflow::Env::GetSymbolFromLibrary(void *handle, const char *symbol_name, void **symbol)=0


Status tensorflow::Env::GetRegisteredFileSystemSchemes(std::vector< string > *schemes) Returns the file system schemes registered for this Env .


Status tensorflow::Env::GetFileSystemForFile(const string &fname, FileSystem **result) Returns the FileSystem object to handle operations on the file specified by 'fname'. The FileSystem object is used as the implementation for the file system related (non-virtual) functions that follow. Returned FileSystem object is still owned by the Env object and will.


Status tensorflow::Env::GetFileSize(const string &fname, uint64 *file_size) Stores the size of fname in *file_size.