
TTypes< T, NDIMS >::Tensor tensorflow::Tensor::flat_outer_dims() Returns the data as an Eigen::Tensor with NDIMS dimensions, collapsing all Tensor dimensions but the first NDIMS-1 into the last dimension of the result. If NDIMS > dims() then trailing dimensions of size 1 will be added to make the output rank NDIMS.


TTypes< T, NDIMS >::ConstTensor tensorflow::Tensor::flat_inner_dims() const


TTypes< T, NDIMS >::Tensor tensorflow::Tensor::flat_inner_dims() Returns the data as an Eigen::Tensor with NDIMS dimensions, collapsing all Tensor dimensions but the last NDIMS-1 into the first dimension of the result. If NDIMS > dims() then leading dimensions of size 1 will be added to make the output rank NDIMS.


TTypes<T>::ConstFlat tensorflow::Tensor::flat() const


TTypes<T>::Flat tensorflow::Tensor::flat() Return the tensor data as an Eigen::Tensor of the data type and a specified shape. These methods allow you to access the data with the dimensions and sizes of your choice. You do not need to know the number of dimensions of the Tensor to call them. However, they CHECK that the type matches and the dimensions requested creates an Eigen::Tensor with the same number of elements as the tensor. Example: Tensor my_ten(...built with Shape{planes: 4, ro


void tensorflow::Tensor::FillDescription(TensorDescription *description) const Fill in the TensorDescription proto with metadata about the tensor that is useful for monitoring and debugging.


DataType tensorflow::Tensor::dtype() const Returns the data type.


int64 tensorflow::Tensor::dim_size(int d) const Convenience accessor for the tensor shape.


int tensorflow::Tensor::dims() const Convenience accessor for the tensor shape. For all shape accessors, see comments for relevant methods of TensorShape in tensor_shape.h.


string tensorflow::Tensor::DebugString() const A human-readable summary of the tensor suitable for debugging.