
(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5, PHP 7) List all output handlers in use array ob_list_handlers ( void ) Lists all output handlers in use. Returns: This will return an array with the output handlers in use (if any). If output_buffering is enabled or an anonymous function was used with ob_start(), ob_list_handlers() will return "default output handler". Ex


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7) Turn implicit flush on/off void ob_implicit_flush ([ int $flag = true ] ) ob_implicit_flush() will turn implicit flushing on or off. Implicit flushing will result in a flush operation after every output call, so that explicit calls to flush() will no longer be needed. Parameters: flag TRUE to turn implicit flushing on, FALSE otherwise.


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.4, PHP 5, PHP 7) ob_start callback function to gzip output buffer string ob_gzhandler ( string $buffer, int $mode ) ob_gzhandler() is intended to be used as a callback function for ob_start() to help facilitate sending gz-encoded data to web browsers that support compressed web pages. Before ob_gzhandler() actually sends compressed data, it determines what type of content encoding the browser will accept ("g


(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7) Get status of output buffers array ob_get_status ([ bool $full_status = FALSE ] ) ob_get_status() returns status information on either the top level output buffer or all active output buffer levels if full_status is set to TRUE. Parameters: full_status TRUE to return all active output buffer levels. If FALSE or not set, only the top leve


(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7) Return the nesting level of the output buffering mechanism int ob_get_level ( void ) Returns the nesting level of the output buffering mechanism. Returns: Returns the level of nested output buffering handlers or zero if output buffering is not active. See also: ob_start() -


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.2, PHP 5, PHP 7) Return the length of the output buffer int ob_get_length ( void ) This will return the length of the contents in the output buffer, in bytes. Returns: Returns the length of the output buffer contents, in bytes, or FALSE if no buffering is active. Examples: A simple ob_get_length() example


(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5, PHP 7) Flush the output buffer, return it as a string and turn off output buffering string ob_get_flush ( void ) ob_get_flush() flushes the output buffer, return it as a string and turns off output buffering. The output buffer must be started by ob_start() with PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_FLUSHABLE flag. Otherwise ob_get_flush() will not work. Note: This function is similar to ob_end_flush(), except tha


(PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7) Return the contents of the output buffer string ob_get_contents ( void ) Gets the contents of the output buffer without clearing it. Returns: This will return the contents of the output buffer or FALSE, if output buffering isn't active. Examples: A simple ob_get_contents() example <?php ob_start(


(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5, PHP 7) Get current buffer contents and delete current output buffer string ob_get_clean ( void ) Gets the current buffer contents and delete current output buffer. ob_get_clean() essentially executes both ob_get_contents() and ob_end_clean(). The output buffer must be started by ob_start() with PHP_OUTPUT_HANDLER_CLEANABLE flag. Otherwise ob_get_clean() will not work. Retu


(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7) Flush (send) the output buffer void ob_flush ( void ) This function will send the contents of the output buffer (if any). If you want to further process the buffer's contents you have to call ob_get_contents() before ob_flush() as the buffer contents are discarded after ob_flush() is called. This function does not destroy the output buffer like ob_end_flush() does. R