
(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7) Get error message associated with result string pg_result_error ( resource $result ) pg_result_error() returns any error message associated with the result resource. Therefore, the user has a better chance of getting the correct error message than with pg_last_error(). The function pg_result_error_field() can give much greater detail on result errors than pg_result_error(). Because pg_


(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7) Sends a request to execute a prepared statement with given parameters, without waiting for the result(s). bool pg_send_execute ( resource $connection, string $stmtname, array $params ) Sends a request to execute a prepared statement with given parameters, without waiting for the result(s). This is similar to pg_send_query_params(), but the command to be executed is specified by naming a previousl


(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7) Get status of query result mixed pg_result_status ( resource $result [, int $type = PGSQL_STATUS_LONG ] ) pg_result_status() returns the status of a result resource, or the PostgreSQL command completion tag associated with the result Parameters: result PostgreSQL query result resource, returned by pg_query(), pg_query_params() or pg_ex


(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5, PHP 7) Select records mixed pg_select ( resource $connection, string $table_name, array $assoc_array [, int $options = PGSQL_DML_EXEC ] ) pg_select() selects records specified by assoc_array which has field=>value. For a successful query, it returns an array containing all records and fields that match the condition specified by assoc_array. If options is specified, pg_convert() is applied t


(PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5, PHP 7) Set internal row offset in result resource bool pg_result_seek ( resource $result, int $offset ) pg_result_seek() sets the internal row offset in a result resource. Parameters: result PostgreSQL query result resource, returned by pg_query(), pg_query_params() or pg_execute() (among others). offset Row t


(PHP 4 >= 4.2.0, PHP 5, PHP 7) Execute a query resource pg_query ([ resource $connection ], string $query ) pg_query() executes the query on the specified database connection. pg_query_params() should be preferred in most cases. If an error occurs, and FALSE is returned, details of the error can be retrieved using the pg_last_error() function if the connection is valid. Note: Although connection can be omitted, it is


(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7) Returns an individual field of an error report. string pg_result_error_field ( resource $result, int $fieldcode ) pg_result_error_field() returns one of the detailed error message fields associated with result resource. It is only available against a PostgreSQL 7.4 or above server. The error field is specified by the fieldcode. Because pg_query() and pg_query_params() return FALSE if the query fa


(PHP 4 >= 4.0.3, PHP 5, PHP 7) Send a NULL-terminated string to PostgreSQL backend bool pg_put_line ([ resource $connection ], string $data ) pg_put_line() sends a NULL-terminated string to the PostgreSQL backend server. This is needed in conjunction with PostgreSQL's COPY FROM command. COPY is a high-speed data loading interface supported by PostgreSQL. Data is passed in without being parsed, and in a single transaction


(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7) Submits a command to the server and waits for the result, with the ability to pass parameters separately from the SQL command text. resource pg_query_params ([ resource $connection ], string $query, array $params ) Submits a command to the server and waits for the result, with the ability to pass parameters separately from the SQL command text. pg_query_params() is like pg_query(), but offers add


(PHP 5 >= 5.1.0, PHP 7) Submits a request to create a prepared statement with the given parameters, and waits for completion. resource pg_prepare ([ resource $connection ], string $stmtname, string $query ) pg_prepare() creates a prepared statement for later execution with pg_execute() or pg_send_execute(). This feature allows commands that will be used repeatedly to be parsed and planned just once, rather than each time