
(PHP 5, PHP 7) Exports public static string Reflector::export ( void ) Exports. Returns: This function is currently not documented; only its argument list is available.


(PHP 7) Gets the trace of the executing generator public array ReflectionGenerator::getTrace ([ int $options = DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT ] ) Get the trace of the currently executing generator. Parameters: options The value of options can be any of the following the following flags. Available options Option Description DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT Default. DE


(PHP 7) Gets the $this value of the generator public object ReflectionGenerator::getThis ( void ) Get the $this value that the generator has access to. Returns: Returns the $this value, or NULL if the generator was not created in a class context. Examples: ReflectionGenerator::getThis() example <?php class GenExample


(PHP 7) Gets the function name of the generator public ReflectionFunctionAbstract ReflectionGenerator::getFunction ( void ) Enables the function name of the generator to be obtained by returning a class derived from ReflectionFunctionAbstract. Returns: Returns a ReflectionFunctionAbstract class. This will be ReflectionFunction for functions, or ReflectionMethod for methods.


(PHP 7) Gets the currently executing line of the generator public int ReflectionGenerator::getExecutingLine ( void ) Get the currently executing line number of the generator. Returns: Returns the line number of the currently executing statement in the generator. Examples: ReflectionGenerator::getExecutingLine() example &l


(PHP 7) Gets the executing Generator object public Generator ReflectionGenerator::getExecutingGenerator ( void ) Get the executing Generator object Returns: Returns the currently executing Generator object. Examples: ReflectionGenerator::getExecutingGenerator() example <?php class GenExample {     public function gen(


(PHP 7) Gets the file name of the currently executing generator public string ReflectionGenerator::getExecutingFile ( void ) Get the full path and file name of the currently executing generator. Returns: Returns the full path and file name of the currently executing generator. Examples: ReflectionGenerator::getExecutingFile() example


(PHP 7) Constructs a ReflectionGenerator object public ReflectionGenerator::__construct ( Generator $generator ) Constructs a ReflectionGenerator object. Parameters: generator A generator object. Returns: No value is returned. Examples: ReflectionGenerator::__construct() example


(PHP 7) To string public string ReflectionType::__toString ( void ) Gets the parameter type name. Returns: Returns the type of the parameter. Examples: ReflectionType::__toString() example <?php function someFunction(string $param) {} $reflectionFunc = new ReflectionFunction('someFunction'); $reflectionParam = $reflec


(PHP 7) Checks if it is a built-in type public bool ReflectionType::isBuiltin ( void ) Checks if the type is a built-in type in PHP. Returns: TRUE if it's a built-in type, otherwise FALSE Examples: ReflectionType::isBuiltin() example <?php class SomeClass {} function someFunction(string $param, SomeClass $param2, StdC