
Defines the BigPipe placeholder strategy, to send HTML in chunks. First: the BigPipe placeholder strategy only activates if the current request is associated with a session. Without a session, it is assumed this response is not actually dynamic: if none of the placeholders show session-dependent information, then none of the placeholders are uncacheable or poorly cacheable, which means the Page Cache (for anonymous users) can deal with it. In other words: BigPipe works for all authenticated use


Processes attachments of HTML responses with BigPipe enabled. Hierarchy class \Drupal\Core\Render\HtmlResponseAttachmentsProcessor implements AttachmentsResponseProcessorInterfaceclass \Drupal\big_pipe\Render\BigPipeResponseAttachmentsProcessor See also \Drupal\Core\Render\HtmlResponseAttachmentsProcessor \Drupal\big_pipe\Render\BigPipeInterface File core/modules/big_pipe/src/Render/BigPipeResponseAttachmentsProcessor.php, line 22 Namespace Drupal\big_pipe\Render Members Name Modi


public BigPipeResponseAttachmentsProcessor::processAttachments(AttachmentsInterface $response) Processes the attachments of a response that has attachments. Libraries, JavaScript settings, feeds, HTML <head> tags, HTML <head> links, HTTP headers, and the HTTP status code are attached to render arrays using the #attached property. The #attached property is an associative array, where the keys are the attachment types and the values are the attached data. For example: $build['#attache


The HTML response attachments processor service. Type: \Drupal\Core\Render\AttachmentsResponseProcessorInterface File core/modules/big_pipe/src/Render/BigPipeResponseAttachmentsProcessor.php, line 29 Class BigPipeResponseAttachmentsProcessor Processes attachments of HTML responses with BigPipe enabled. Namespace Drupal\big_pipe\Render Code protected $htmlResponseAttachmentsProcessor;


A response that is sent in chunks by the BigPipe service. Note we cannot use \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\StreamedResponse because it makes the content inaccessible (hidden behind a callback), which means no middlewares are able to modify the content anymore. @todo Will become obsolete with Hierarchy class \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Responseclass \Drupal\Core\Render\HtmlResponse implements CacheableResponseInterface, AttachmentsInterface uses Cach


public BigPipeResponse::setBigPipeService(BigPipeInterface $big_pipe) Sets the BigPipe service to use. Parameters \Drupal\big_pipe\Render\BigPipeInterface $big_pipe: The BigPipe service. File core/modules/big_pipe/src/Render/BigPipeResponse.php, line 33 Class BigPipeResponse A response that is sent in chunks by the BigPipe service. Namespace Drupal\big_pipe\Render Code public function setBigPipeService(BigPipeInterface $big_pipe) { $this->bigPipe = $big_pipe; }


public BigPipeResponse::sendContent() Sends content for the current web response. Return value Response Overrides Response::sendContent File core/modules/big_pipe/src/Render/BigPipeResponse.php, line 40 Class BigPipeResponse A response that is sent in chunks by the BigPipe service. Namespace Drupal\big_pipe\Render Code public function sendContent() { $this->bigPipe->sendContent($this->content, $this->getAttachments()); return $this; }


The BigPipe service. Type: \Drupal\big_pipe\Render\BigPipeInterface File core/modules/big_pipe/src/Render/BigPipeResponse.php, line 25 Class BigPipeResponse A response that is sent in chunks by the BigPipe service. Namespace Drupal\big_pipe\Render Code protected $bigPipe;


Interface for sending an HTML response in chunks (to get faster page loads). At a high level, BigPipe sends a HTML response in chunks: 1. one chunk: everything until just before </body> — this contains BigPipe placeholders for the personalized parts of the page. Hence this sends the non-personalized parts of the page. Let's call it The Skeleton. 2. N chunks: a <script> tag per BigPipe placeholder in The Skeleton. 3. one chunk: </body> and everything after it. This is conceptua


Defines an object that passes safe strings through BigPipe's render pipeline. This object should only be constructed with a known safe string. If there is any risk that the string contains user-entered data that has not been filtered first, it must not be used. @internal This object is marked as internal because it should only be used in the BigPipe render pipeline. Hierarchy class \Drupal\big_pipe\Render\BigPipeMarkup implements \Countable, MarkupInterface uses MarkupTrait See also \Drupal