
taxonomy_check_vocabulary_hierarchy(VocabularyInterface $vocabulary, $changed_term) Checks and updates the hierarchy flag of a vocabulary. Checks the current parents of all terms in a vocabulary and updates the vocabulary's hierarchy setting to the lowest possible level. If no term has parent terms then the vocabulary will be given a hierarchy of VocabularyInterface::HIERARCHY_DISABLED. If any term has a single parent then the vocabulary will be given a hierarchy of VocabularyInterface::HIERARC


taxonomy_build_node_index($node) Builds and inserts taxonomy index entries for a given node. The index lists all terms that are related to a given node entity, and is therefore maintained at the entity level. Parameters \Drupal\node\Entity\Node $node: The node entity. Related topics Taxonomy indexing Functions to maintain taxonomy indexing. File core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module, line 501 Enables the organization of content into categories. Code function taxonomy_build_node_index($node


taxonomy_delete_node_index(EntityInterface $node) Deletes taxonomy index entries for a given node. Parameters \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $node: The node entity. Related topics Taxonomy indexing Functions to maintain taxonomy indexing. File core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module, line 568 Enables the organization of content into categories. Code function taxonomy_delete_node_index(EntityInterface $node) { if (\Drupal::config('taxonomy.settings')->get('maintain_index_table')) {


public TaxonomyController::addForm(VocabularyInterface $taxonomy_vocabulary) Returns a form to add a new term to a vocabulary. Parameters \Drupal\taxonomy\VocabularyInterface $taxonomy_vocabulary: The vocabulary this term will be added to. Return value array The taxonomy term add form. File core/modules/taxonomy/src/Controller/TaxonomyController.php, line 24 Class TaxonomyController Provides route responses for taxonomy.module. Namespace Drupal\taxonomy\Controller Code public functio


public TaxonomyController::termTitle(TermInterface $taxonomy_term) Route title callback. Parameters \Drupal\taxonomy\TermInterface $taxonomy_term: The taxonomy term. Return value array The term label as a render array. File core/modules/taxonomy/src/Controller/TaxonomyController.php, line 51 Class TaxonomyController Provides route responses for taxonomy.module. Namespace Drupal\taxonomy\Controller Code public function termTitle(TermInterface $taxonomy_term) { return ['#markup' =>


Provides route responses for taxonomy.module. Hierarchy class \Drupal\Core\Controller\ControllerBase implements ContainerInjectionInterface uses LoggerChannelTrait, LinkGeneratorTrait, RedirectDestinationTrait, UrlGeneratorTrait, StringTranslationTraitclass \Drupal\taxonomy\Controller\TaxonomyController File core/modules/taxonomy/src/Controller/TaxonomyController.php, line 13 Namespace Drupal\taxonomy\Controller Members Name Modifiers Type Description ControllerBase::$configF


public TaxonomyController::vocabularyTitle(VocabularyInterface $taxonomy_vocabulary) Route title callback. Parameters \Drupal\taxonomy\VocabularyInterface $taxonomy_vocabulary: The vocabulary. Return value string The vocabulary label as a render array. File core/modules/taxonomy/src/Controller/TaxonomyController.php, line 38 Class TaxonomyController Provides route responses for taxonomy.module. Namespace Drupal\taxonomy\Controller Code public function vocabularyTitle(VocabularyInterf

Provides views data for taxonomy.module. File core/modules/taxonomy/ Functions Name Description taxonomy_field_views_data_alter Implements hook_field_views_data_alter(). taxonomy_views_data_alter Implements hook_views_data_alter(). taxonomy_views_plugins_argument_validator_alter Implements hook_views_plugins_argument_validator_alter().


Enables the organization of content into categories. File core/modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module Functions Name Description taxonomy_build_node_index Builds and inserts taxonomy index entries for a given node. taxonomy_check_vocabulary_hierarchy Checks and updates the hierarchy flag of a vocabulary. taxonomy_delete_node_index Deletes taxonomy index entries for a given node. taxonomy_help Implements hook_help(). taxonomy_implode_tags Implodes a list of tags of a certain


Default theme implementation to display a taxonomy term. Available variables: url: URL of the current term. name: Name of the current term. content: Items for the content of the term (fields and description). Use 'content' to print them all, or print a subset such as 'content.description'. Use the following code to exclude the printing of a given child element: {{ content|without('description') }} attributes: HTML attributes for the wrapper. page: Flag for the full page state. ter