
Provides a form element for input of a weight. Weights are integers used to indicate ordering, with larger numbers later in the order. Properties: #delta: The range of possible weight values used. A delta of 10 would indicate possible weight values between -10 and 10. Usage example: $form['weight'] = array( '#type' => 'weight', '#title' => $this->t('Weight'), '#default_value' => $edit['weight'], '#delta' => 10, ); Plugin annotation @FormElement("weight") Hierarchy cl


watchdog_exception($type, Exception $exception, $message = NULL, $variables = array(), $severity = RfcLogLevel::ERROR, $link = NULL) Logs an exception. This is a wrapper logging function which automatically decodes an exception. Parameters $type: The category to which this message belongs. $exception: The exception that is going to be logged. $message: The message to store in the log. If empty, a text that contains all useful information about the passed-in exception is used. $variables: Array


public VocabularyStorageInterface::getToplevelTids($vids) Gets top-level term IDs of vocabularies. Parameters array $vids: Array of vocabulary IDs. Return value array Array of top-level term IDs. File core/modules/taxonomy/src/VocabularyStorageInterface.php, line 21 Class VocabularyStorageInterface Defines an interface for vocabulary entity storage classes. Namespace Drupal\taxonomy Code public function getToplevelTids($vids);


Defines an interface for vocabulary entity storage classes. Hierarchy interface \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterfaceinterface \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityStorageInterfaceinterface \Drupal\taxonomy\VocabularyStorageInterface File core/modules/taxonomy/src/VocabularyStorageInterface.php, line 10 Namespace Drupal\taxonomy Members Name Modifiers Type Description ConfigEntityStorageInterface::createFromStorageRecord public function Creates a configuration e


Defines a storage handler class for taxonomy vocabularies. Hierarchy class \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityHandlerBase uses DependencySerializationTrait, StringTranslationTraitclass \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageBase implements EntityHandlerInterface, EntityStorageInterfaceclass \Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityStorage implements ConfigEntityStorageInterface, ImportableEntityStorageInterfaceclass \Drupal\taxonomy\VocabularyStorage implements VocabularyStorageInterface File core/modules


public VocabularyStorage::getToplevelTids($vids) Gets top-level term IDs of vocabularies. Parameters array $vids: Array of vocabulary IDs. Return value array Array of top-level term IDs. Overrides VocabularyStorageInterface::getToplevelTids File core/modules/taxonomy/src/VocabularyStorage.php, line 23 Class VocabularyStorage Defines a storage handler class for taxonomy vocabularies. Namespace Drupal\taxonomy Code public function getToplevelTids($vids) { return db_query('SELECT t.ti


public VocabularyStorage::resetCache(array $ids = NULL) Resets the internal, static entity cache. Parameters $ids: (optional) If specified, the cache is reset for the entities with the given ids only. Overrides EntityStorageBase::resetCache File core/modules/taxonomy/src/VocabularyStorage.php, line 15 Class VocabularyStorage Defines a storage handler class for taxonomy vocabularies. Namespace Drupal\taxonomy Code public function resetCache(array $ids = NULL) { drupal_static_reset('t


public VocabularyResetForm::getQuestion() Returns the question to ask the user. Return value string The form question. The page title will be set to this value. Overrides ConfirmFormInterface::getQuestion File core/modules/taxonomy/src/Form/VocabularyResetForm.php, line 51 Class VocabularyResetForm Provides confirmation form for resetting a vocabulary to alphabetical order. Namespace Drupal\taxonomy\Form Code public function getQuestion() { return $this->t('Are you sure you want


public VocabularyResetForm::getFormId() Returns a unique string identifying the form. Return value string The unique string identifying the form. Overrides EntityForm::getFormId File core/modules/taxonomy/src/Form/VocabularyResetForm.php, line 44 Class VocabularyResetForm Provides confirmation form for resetting a vocabulary to alphabetical order. Namespace Drupal\taxonomy\Form Code public function getFormId() { return 'taxonomy_vocabulary_confirm_reset_alphabetical'; }


public VocabularyResetForm::getDescription() Returns additional text to display as a description. Return value string The form description. Overrides EntityConfirmFormBase::getDescription File core/modules/taxonomy/src/Form/VocabularyResetForm.php, line 65 Class VocabularyResetForm Provides confirmation form for resetting a vocabulary to alphabetical order. Namespace Drupal\taxonomy\Form Code public function getDescription() { return $this->t('Resetting a vocabulary will discard