
protected StringDatabaseStorage::dbStringLoad(array $conditions, array $options, $class) Loads multiple string objects. Parameters array $conditions: Any of the conditions used by dbStringSelect(). array $options: Any of the options used by dbStringSelect(). string $class: Class name to use for fetching returned objects. Return value \Drupal\locale\StringInterface[] Array of objects of the class requested. File core/modules/locale/src/StringDatabaseStorage.php, line 319 Class StringDataba


protected StringDatabaseStorage::dbStringSelect(array $conditions, array $options = array()) Builds a SELECT query with multiple conditions and fields. The query uses both 'locales_source' and 'locales_target' tables. Note that by default, as we are selecting both translated and untranslated strings target field's conditions will be modified to match NULL rows too. Parameters array $conditions: An associative array with field => value conditions that may include NULL values. If a language c


protected StringDatabaseStorage::dbStringTable($string) Gets table name for storing string object. Parameters \Drupal\locale\StringInterface $string: The string object. Return value string The table name. File core/modules/locale/src/StringDatabaseStorage.php, line 273 Class StringDatabaseStorage Defines a class to store localized strings in the database. Namespace Drupal\locale Code protected function dbStringTable($string) { if ($string->isSource()) { return 'locales_sourc


protected StringDatabaseStorage::dbExecute($query, array $args = array()) Executes an arbitrary SELECT query string with the injected options. File core/modules/locale/src/StringDatabaseStorage.php, line 536 Class StringDatabaseStorage Defines a class to store localized strings in the database. Namespace Drupal\locale Code protected function dbExecute($query, array $args = array()) { return $this->connection->query($query, $args, $this->options); }


protected StringDatabaseStorage::dbDelete($table, $keys) Creates delete query. Parameters string $table: The table name. array $keys: Array with object keys indexed by field name. Return value \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\Delete Returns a new Delete object for the injected database connection. File core/modules/locale/src/StringDatabaseStorage.php, line 525 Class StringDatabaseStorage Defines a class to store localized strings in the database. Namespace Drupal\locale Code protected fu


protected StringDatabaseStorage::dbFieldTable($field) Gets table alias for field. Parameters string $field: One of the field names of the locales_source, locates_location, locales_target tables to find the table alias for. Return value string One of the following values: 's' for "source", "context", "version" (locales_source table fields). 'l' for "type", "name" (locales_location table fields) 't' for "language", "translation", "customized" (locales_target table fields) File core/modules/lo


public StringDatabaseStorage::createTranslation($values = array()) Creates a string translation object bound to this storage but not saved. Parameters array $values: (optional) Array with initial values. Defaults to empty array. Return value \Drupal\locale\TranslationString New string translation object. Overrides StringStorageInterface::createTranslation File core/modules/locale/src/StringDatabaseStorage.php, line 231 Class StringDatabaseStorage Defines a class to store localized string


protected StringDatabaseStorage::dbStringKeys($string) Gets keys values that are in a database table. Parameters \Drupal\locale\StringInterface $string: The string object. Return value array Array with key fields if the string has all keys, or empty array if not. File core/modules/locale/src/StringDatabaseStorage.php, line 291 Class StringDatabaseStorage Defines a class to store localized strings in the database. Namespace Drupal\locale Code protected function dbStringKeys($string) {


protected StringDatabaseStorage::dbStringInsert($string) Creates a database record for a string object. Parameters \Drupal\locale\StringInterface $string: The string object. Return value bool|int If the operation failed, returns FALSE. If it succeeded returns the last insert ID of the query, if one exists. Throws \Drupal\locale\StringStorageException If the string is not suitable for this storage, an exception is thrown. File core/modules/locale/src/StringDatabaseStorage.php, line 464 Cla


protected StringDatabaseStorage::checkVersion($string, $version) Checks whether the string version matches a given version, fix it if not. Parameters \Drupal\locale\StringInterface $string: The string object. string $version: Drupal version to check against. File core/modules/locale/src/StringDatabaseStorage.php, line 174 Class StringDatabaseStorage Defines a class to store localized strings in the database. Namespace Drupal\locale Code protected function checkVersion($string, $versio