
min_.min(list, [iteratee], [context]) Returns the minimum value in list. If an iteratee function is provided, it will be used on each value to generate the criterion by which the value is ranked. Infinity is returned if list is empty, so an isEmpty guard may be required. var numbers = [10, 5, 100, 2, 1000]; _.min(numbers); => 2


memoize_.memoize(function, [hashFunction]) Memoizes a given function by caching the computed result. Useful for speeding up slow-running computations. If passed an optional hashFunction, it will be used to compute the hash key for storing the result, based on the arguments to the original function. The default hashFunction just uses the first argument to the memoized function as the key. The cache of memoized values is available as the cache property on the returned function. var fibonacci


max_.max(list, [iteratee], [context]) Returns the maximum value in list. If an iteratee function is provided, it will be used on each value to generate the criterion by which the value is ranked. -Infinity is returned if list is empty, so an isEmpty guard may be required. var stooges = [{name: 'moe', age: 40}, {name: 'larry', age: 50}, {name: 'curly', age: 60}]; _.max(stooges, function(stooge){ return stooge.age; }); => {name: 'curly', age: 60};


matcher_.matcher(attrs) Alias: matches Returns a predicate function that will tell you if a passed in object contains all of the key/value properties present in attrs. var ready = _.matcher({selected: true, visible: true}); var readyToGoList = _.filter(list, ready);


mapObject_.mapObject(object, iteratee, [context]) Like map, but for objects. Transform the value of each property in turn. _.mapObject({start: 5, end: 12}, function(val, key) { return val + 5; }); => {start: 10, end: 17}


lastIndexOf_.lastIndexOf(array, value, [fromIndex]) Returns the index of the last occurrence of value in the array, or -1 if value is not present. Pass fromIndex to start your search at a given index. _.lastIndexOf([1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3], 2); => 4


last_.last(array, [n]) Returns the last element of an array. Passing n will return the last n elements of the array. _.last([5, 4, 3, 2, 1]); => 1


keys_.keys(object) Retrieve all the names of the object's own enumerable properties. _.keys({one: 1, two: 2, three: 3}); => ["one", "two", "three"]


iteratee_.iteratee(value, [context]) Generates a callback that can be applied to each element in a collection. _.iteratee supports a number of shorthand syntaxes for common callback use cases. Depending upon value's type, _.iteratee will return: // No value _.iteratee(); => _.identity() // Function _.iteratee(function(n) { return n * 2; }); => function(n) { return n * 2; } // Object _.iteratee({firstName: 'Chelsea'}); => _.matcher({firstName: 'Chelsea'}); // Anything else _.iter


isUndefined_.isUndefined(value) Returns true if value is undefined. _.isUndefined(window.missingVariable); => true