
Apache Module mod_dav Description: Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) functionality Status: Extension ModuleIdentifier: dav_module SourceFile: mod_dav.c Summary This module provides class 1 and class 2 WebDAV ('Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning') functionality for Apache. This extension to the HTTP protocol allows creating, moving, copying, and deleting resources and collections on a remote web server. Enabling WebDAV To enable mod_dav, add the following to a cont


Apache Module mod_data Description: Convert response body into an RFC2397 data URL Status: Extension ModuleIdentifier: data_module SourceFile: mod_data.c Compatibility: Available in Apache 2.3 and later Summary This module provides the ability to convert a response into an RFC2397 data URL. Data URLs can be embedded inline within web pages using something like the mod_include module, to remove the need for clients to make separate connections to fetch what may potentially be many small imag


Apache Module mod_charset_lite Description: Specify character set translation or recoding Status: Extension ModuleIdentifier: charset_lite_module SourceFile: mod_charset_lite.c Summary mod_charset_lite allows the server to change the character set of responses before sending them to the client. In an EBCDIC environment, Apache always translates HTTP protocol content (e.g. response headers) from the code page of the Apache process locale to ISO-8859-1, but not the body of responses. In any en


Apache Module mod_cgid Description: Execution of CGI scripts using an external CGI daemon Status: Base ModuleIdentifier: cgid_module SourceFile: mod_cgid.c Compatibility: Unix threaded MPMs only Summary Except for the optimizations and the additional ScriptSock directive noted below, mod_cgid behaves similarly to mod_cgi. See the mod_cgi summary for additional details about Apache and CGI. On certain unix operating systems, forking a process from a multi-threaded server is a very expensive o


Apache Module mod_cgi Description: Execution of CGI scripts Status: Base ModuleIdentifier: cgi_module SourceFile: mod_cgi.c Summary Any file that has the handler cgi-script will be treated as a CGI script, and run by the server, with its output being returned to the client. Files acquire this handler either by having a name containing an extension defined by the AddHandler directive, or by being in a ScriptAlias directory. For an introduction to using CGI scripts with Apache, see our tutoria


Apache Module mod_cern_meta Description: CERN httpd metafile semantics Status: Extension ModuleIdentifier: cern_meta_module SourceFile: mod_cern_meta.c Summary Emulate the CERN HTTPD Meta file semantics. Meta files are HTTP headers that can be output in addition to the normal range of headers for each file accessed. They appear rather like the Apache .asis files, and are able to provide a crude way of influencing the Expires: header, as well as providing other curiosities. There are many way


Apache Module mod_cache_socache Description: Shared object cache (socache) based storage module for the HTTP caching filter. Status: Extension ModuleIdentifier: cache_socache_module SourceFile: mod_cache_socache.c Summary mod_cache_socache implements a shared object cache (socache) based storage manager for mod_cache. The headers and bodies of cached responses are combined, and stored underneath a single key in the shared object cache. A number of implementations of shared object caches are


Apache Module mod_cache_disk Description: Disk based storage module for the HTTP caching filter. Status: Extension ModuleIdentifier: cache_disk_module SourceFile: mod_cache_disk.c Summary mod_cache_disk implements a disk based storage manager for mod_cache. The headers and bodies of cached responses are stored separately on disk, in a directory structure derived from the md5 hash of the cached URL. Multiple content negotiated responses can be stored concurrently, however the caching of parti


Apache Module mod_cache Description: RFC 2616 compliant HTTP caching filter. Status: Extension ModuleIdentifier: cache_module SourceFile: mod_cache.c Summary This module should be used with care, as when the CacheQuickHandler directive is in its default value of on, the Allow and Deny directives will be circumvented. You should not enable quick handler caching for any content to which you wish to limit access by client host name, address or environment variable. mod_cache implements an RFC 2


Apache Module mod_buffer Description: Support for request buffering Status: Extension ModuleIdentifier: buffer_module SourceFile: mod_buffer.c Compatibility: Available in Apache 2.3 and later Summary This module provides the ability to buffer the input and output filter stacks. Under certain circumstances, content generators might create content in small chunks. In order to promote memory reuse, in memory chunks are always 8k in size, regardless of the size of the chunk itself. When many sma