meteor admin

meteor admin Catch-all for miscellaneous commands that require authorization to use. Some example uses of meteor admin include adding and removing package maintainers and setting a homepage for a package. It also includes various helpful functions for managing a Meteor release. Run meteor help admin for more information.


Package Definition Define dependencies and expose package methods with the Package.onUse handler. This section lets you define what packages your package depends on, what packages are implied by your package, and what object your package is exported to. package.js Package.onUse(func) Define package dependencies and expose package methods. Arguments func Function A function that takes in the package control api object, which keeps track of dependencies and exports. package.js


Anywhere customType.toJSONValue() Source Serialize this instance into a JSON-compatible value.

meteor create

meteor create name Create a new Meteor project. By default, makes a subdirectory named name and copies in the template app. You can pass an absolute or relative path. You can use the --package option, to create a new package. If used in an existing app, this command will create a package in the packages directory.


Server collection.rawDatabase() Source Returns the Db object corresponding to this collection's database connection from the npm mongodb driver module which is wrapped by Mongo.Collection.


Client Accounts.ui.config(options) import { Accounts } from 'meteor/accounts-base' Source Configure the behavior of {{> loginButtons}}. Options requestPermissions Object Which permissions to request from the user for each external service. requestOfflineToken Object To ask the user for permission to act on their behalf when offline, map the relevant external service to true. Currently only supported with Google. See Meteor.loginWithExternalService for more details. forceAppr


Server accountsServer.validateNewUser(func) Source Set restrictions on new user creation. Arguments func Function Called whenever a new user is created. Takes the new user object, and returns true to allow the creation or false to abort.


Anywhere Meteor.isServer import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor' Source Boolean variable. True if running in server environment.


Templates When you write a template as <template name="foo"> ... </template> in an HTML file in your app, Meteor generates a "template object" named Note that template name cannot contain hyphens and other special characters. The same template may occur many times on a page, and these occurrences are called template instances. Template instances have a life cycle of being created, put into the document, and later taken out of the document and destroyed. Meteor manages

Deployment and Monitoring

After reading this guide, you’ll know: What to consider before you deploy a Meteor application. How to deploy to some common Meteor hosting environments. How to design a deployment process to make sure your application’s quality is maintained. How to monitor user behavior with analytics tools. How to monitor your application with Kadira. How to make sure your site is discoverable by search engines. Deploying Meteor Applications Once you’ve built and tested your Meteor application, you need to