meteor lint

meteor lint Run through the whole build process for the app and run all linters the app uses. Outputs all build errors or linting warnings to the standard output.

meteor help

meteor help Get help on meteor command line usage. Running meteor help by itself will list the common meteor commands. Running meteor help command will print detailed help about the command.

meteor deploy

meteor deploy site Deploy the project in your current directory to Galaxy. You can deploy in debug mode by passing --debug. This will leave your source code readable by your favorite in-browser debugger, just like it is in local development mode. To delete an application you've deployed, specify the --delete option along with the site. You can add information specific to a particular deployment of your application by using the --settings option. The argument to --settings is a file containing

meteor debug

meteor debug Run the project, but suspend the server process for debugging. The server process will be suspended just before the first statement of server code that would normally execute. In order to continue execution of server code, use either the web-based Node Inspector or the command-line debugger (further instructions will be printed in the console). Breakpoints can be set using the debugger keyword, or through the web UI of Node Inspector ("Sources" tab). The server process debugger wil

meteor create

meteor create name Create a new Meteor project. By default, makes a subdirectory named name and copies in the template app. You can pass an absolute or relative path. You can use the --package option, to create a new package. If used in an existing app, this command will create a package in the packages directory.

meteor build

meteor build Package this project up for deployment. The output is a directory with several build artifacts: a tarball that includes everything necessary to run the application server (see the README in the tarball for details) an unsigned apk bundle and a project source if Android is targetted as a mobile platform a directory with an Xcode project source if iOS is targetted as a mobile platform You can use the application server bundle to host a Meteor application on your own server, instead

meteor admin

meteor admin Catch-all for miscellaneous commands that require authorization to use. Some example uses of meteor admin include adding and removing package maintainers and setting a homepage for a package. It also includes various helpful functions for managing a Meteor release. Run meteor help admin for more information.

meteor add

meteor add package Add packages to your Meteor project. By convention, names of community packages include the name of the maintainer. For example: meteor add iron:router. You can add multiple packages with one command. Optionally, adds version constraints. Running meteor add package@1.1.0 will add the package at version 1.1.0 or higher (but not 2.0.0 or higher). If you want to use version 1.1.0 exactly, use meteor add package@=1.1.0. You can also 'or' constraints together: for example, meteor


Anywhere Match.test(value, pattern) import { Match } from 'meteor/check' Source Returns true if the value matches the pattern. Arguments value Any The value to check pattern Match Pattern The pattern to match value against

Match patterns

Match Patterns The following patterns can be used as pattern arguments to check and Match.test: Match.Any Matches any value. String, Number, Boolean, undefined, null Matches a primitive of the given type. Match.Integer Matches a signed 32-bit integer. Doesn't match Infinity, -Infinity, or NaN. [pattern] A one-element array matches an array of elements, each of which match pattern. For example, [Number] matches a (possibly empty) array of numbers; [Match.Any] matches any array. {key1: pattern1