
chararray.islower() [source] Returns true for each element if all cased characters in the string are lowercase and there is at least one cased character, false otherwise. See also char.islower


chararray.isdigit() [source] Returns true for each element if all characters in the string are digits and there is at least one character, false otherwise. See also char.isdigit


chararray.isdecimal() [source] For each element in self, return True if there are only decimal characters in the element. See also char.isdecimal


chararray.isalpha() [source] Returns true for each element if all characters in the string are alphabetic and there is at least one character, false otherwise. See also char.isalpha


chararray.isalnum() [source] Returns true for each element if all characters in the string are alphanumeric and there is at least one character, false otherwise. See also char.isalnum


chararray.index(sub, start=0, end=None) [source] Like find, but raises ValueError when the substring is not found. See also char.index


chararray.imag The imaginary part of the array. Examples >>> x = np.sqrt([1+0j, 0+1j]) >>> x.imag array([ 0. , 0.70710678]) >>> x.imag.dtype dtype('float64')


chararray.getfield(dtype, offset=0) Returns a field of the given array as a certain type. A field is a view of the array data with a given data-type. The values in the view are determined by the given type and the offset into the current array in bytes. The offset needs to be such that the view dtype fits in the array dtype; for example an array of dtype complex128 has 16-byte elements. If taking a view with a 32-bit integer (4 bytes), the offset needs to be between 0 and 12 bytes. Paramete


chararray.flatten(order='C') Return a copy of the array collapsed into one dimension. Parameters: order : {?C?, ?F?, ?A?, ?K?}, optional ?C? means to flatten in row-major (C-style) order. ?F? means to flatten in column-major (Fortran- style) order. ?A? means to flatten in column-major order if a is Fortran contiguous in memory, row-major order otherwise. ?K? means to flatten a in the order the elements occur in memory. The default is ?C?. Returns: y : ndarray A copy of the input array


chararray.flat A 1-D iterator over the array. This is a numpy.flatiter instance, which acts similarly to, but is not a subclass of, Python?s built-in iterator object. See also flatten Return a copy of the array collapsed into one dimension. flatiter Examples >>> x = np.arange(1, 7).reshape(2, 3) >>> x array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]) >>> x.flat[3] 4 >>> x.T array([[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]]) >>> x.T.flat[3] 5 >>> type