
numpy.random.negative_binomial(n, p, size=None) Draw samples from a negative binomial distribution. Samples are drawn from a negative binomial distribution with specified parameters, n trials and p probability of success where n is an integer > 0 and p is in the interval [0, 1]. Parameters: n : int Parameter, > 0. p : float Parameter, >= 0 and <=1. size : int or tuple of ints, optional Output shape. If the given shape is, e.g., (m, n, k), then m * n * k samples are drawn.


numpy.random.multivariate_normal(mean, cov[, size]) Draw random samples from a multivariate normal distribution. The multivariate normal, multinormal or Gaussian distribution is a generalization of the one-dimensional normal distribution to higher dimensions. Such a distribution is specified by its mean and covariance matrix. These parameters are analogous to the mean (average or ?center?) and variance (standard deviation, or ?width,? squared) of the one-dimensional normal distribution. Par


numpy.random.multinomial(n, pvals, size=None) Draw samples from a multinomial distribution. The multinomial distribution is a multivariate generalisation of the binomial distribution. Take an experiment with one of p possible outcomes. An example of such an experiment is throwing a dice, where the outcome can be 1 through 6. Each sample drawn from the distribution represents n such experiments. Its values, X_i = [X_0, X_1, ..., X_p], represent the number of times the outcome was i. Paramete


numpy.random.logseries(p, size=None) Draw samples from a logarithmic series distribution. Samples are drawn from a log series distribution with specified shape parameter, 0 < p < 1. Parameters: loc : float scale : float > 0. size : int or tuple of ints, optional Output shape. If the given shape is, e.g., (m, n, k), then m * n * k samples are drawn. Default is None, in which case a single value is returned. Returns: samples : ndarray or scalar where the values are all integers


numpy.random.lognormal(mean=0.0, sigma=1.0, size=None) Draw samples from a log-normal distribution. Draw samples from a log-normal distribution with specified mean, standard deviation, and array shape. Note that the mean and standard deviation are not the values for the distribution itself, but of the underlying normal distribution it is derived from. Parameters: mean : float Mean value of the underlying normal distribution sigma : float, > 0. Standard deviation of the underlying nor


numpy.random.logistic(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None) Draw samples from a logistic distribution. Samples are drawn from a logistic distribution with specified parameters, loc (location or mean, also median), and scale (>0). Parameters: loc : float scale : float > 0. size : int or tuple of ints, optional Output shape. If the given shape is, e.g., (m, n, k), then m * n * k samples are drawn. Default is None, in which case a single value is returned. Returns: samples : ndarray or sca


numpy.random.laplace(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None) Draw samples from the Laplace or double exponential distribution with specified location (or mean) and scale (decay). The Laplace distribution is similar to the Gaussian/normal distribution, but is sharper at the peak and has fatter tails. It represents the difference between two independent, identically distributed exponential random variables. Parameters: loc : float, optional The position, , of the distribution peak. scale : float, o


numpy.random.hypergeometric(ngood, nbad, nsample, size=None) Draw samples from a Hypergeometric distribution. Samples are drawn from a hypergeometric distribution with specified parameters, ngood (ways to make a good selection), nbad (ways to make a bad selection), and nsample = number of items sampled, which is less than or equal to the sum ngood + nbad. Parameters: ngood : int or array_like Number of ways to make a good selection. Must be nonnegative. nbad : int or array_like Number o


numpy.random.gumbel(loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=None) Draw samples from a Gumbel distribution. Draw samples from a Gumbel distribution with specified location and scale. For more information on the Gumbel distribution, see Notes and References below. Parameters: loc : float The location of the mode of the distribution. scale : float The scale parameter of the distribution. size : int or tuple of ints, optional Output shape. If the given shape is, e.g., (m, n, k), then m * n * k samples a


numpy.random.get_state() Return a tuple representing the internal state of the generator. For more details, see set_state. Returns: out : tuple(str, ndarray of 624 uints, int, int, float) The returned tuple has the following items: the string ?MT19937?. a 1-D array of 624 unsigned integer keys. an integer pos. an integer has_gauss. a float cached_gaussian. See also set_state Notes set_state and get_state are not needed to work with any of the random distributions in NumPy. If the inter