
Hermite.convert(domain=None, kind=None, window=None) [source] Convert series to a different kind and/or domain and/or window. Parameters: domain : array_like, optional The domain of the converted series. If the value is None, the default domain of kind is used. kind : class, optional The polynomial series type class to which the current instance should be converted. If kind is None, then the class of the current instance is used. window : array_like, optional The window of the convert


classmethod Hermite.cast(series, domain=None, window=None) [source] Convert series to series of this class. The series is expected to be an instance of some polynomial series of one of the types supported by by the numpy.polynomial module, but could be some other class that supports the convert method. New in version 1.7.0. Parameters: series : series The series instance to be converted. domain : {None, array_like}, optional If given, the array must be of the form [beg, end], where be


classmethod Hermite.basis(deg, domain=None, window=None) [source] Series basis polynomial of degree deg. Returns the series representing the basis polynomial of degree deg. New in version 1.7.0. Parameters: deg : int Degree of the basis polynomial for the series. Must be >= 0. domain : {None, array_like}, optional If given, the array must be of the form [beg, end], where beg and end are the endpoints of the domain. If None is given then the class domain is used. The default is None

Hermite Module, “Physicists’” (numpy.polynomial.hermite)

New in version 1.6.0. This module provides a number of objects (mostly functions) useful for dealing with Hermite series, including a Hermite class that encapsulates the usual arithmetic operations. (General information on how this module represents and works with such polynomials is in the docstring for its ?parent? sub-package, numpy.polynomial). Hermite Class Hermite(coef[, domain, window]) An Hermite series class. Basics hermval(x, c[, tensor]) Evaluate an Hermite series at points x






generic.__array__() sc.__array__(|type) return 0-dim array


generic.__array_wrap__() sc.__array_wrap__(obj) return scalar from array


generic.__array_struct__ Array protocol: struct


generic.__array_priority__ Array priority.