


title string Text that appears under the icon. It is ignored when a system icon is defined.


Running Tests and Contributing The React Native repo has several tests you can run to verify you haven't caused a regression with your PR. These tests are run with the Travis and CircleCI continuous integration systems, and will automatically post the results to your PR. We don't have perfect test coverage of course, especially for complex end-to-end interactions with the user, so many changes will still require significant manual verification, but we would love it if you want to help us incr


systemIcon enum('bookmarks', 'contacts', 'downloads', 'favorites', 'featured', 'history', 'more', 'most-recent', 'most-viewed', 'recents', 'search', 'top-rated') Items comes with a few predefined system icons. Note that if you are using them, the title and selectedIcon will be overridden with the system ones.


style View#style React style object.


renderAsOriginal bool If set to true it renders the image as original, it defaults to being displayed as a template


selected bool It specifies whether the children are visible or not. If you see a blank content, you probably forgot to add a selected one.


selectedIcon Image.propTypes.source A custom icon when the tab is selected. It is ignored when a system icon is defined. If left empty, the icon will be tinted in blue.


icon Image.propTypes.source A custom icon for the tab. It is ignored when a system icon is defined.


onPress function Callback when this tab is being selected, you should change the state of your component to set selected={true}.