getMessage() An alias for getAlert to get the notification's main message string
getAlert() Gets the notification's main message from the aps object
constructor(nativeNotif) You will never need to instantiate PushNotificationIOS yourself. Listening to the notification event and invoking popInitialNotification is sufficient
progressViewStyle enum('default', 'bar') The progress bar style.
progressImage Image.propTypes.source A stretchable image to display as the progress bar.
trackImage Image.propTypes.source A stretchable image to display behind the progress bar.
progressTintColor string The tint color of the progress bar itself.
trackTintColor string The tint color of the progress bar track.
progress number The progress value (between 0 and 1).
indeterminate indeterminateType If the progress bar will show indeterminate progress. Note that this can only be false if styleAttr is Horizontal.
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