
pageSize number Number of rows to render per event loop. Note: if your 'rows' are actually cells, i.e. they don't span the full width of your view (as in the ListViewGridLayoutExample), you should set the pageSize to be a multiple of the number of cells per row, otherwise you're likely to see gaps at the edge of the ListView as new pages are loaded.


onEndReachedThreshold number Threshold in pixels (virtual, not physical) for calling onEndReached.


onChangeVisibleRows function (visibleRows, changedRows) => void Called when the set of visible rows changes. visibleRows maps { sectionID: { rowID: true }} for all the visible rows, and changedRows maps { sectionID: { rowID: true | false }} for the rows that have changed their visibility, with true indicating visible, and false indicating the view has moved out of view.


onEndReached function Called when all rows have been rendered and the list has been scrolled to within onEndReachedThreshold of the bottom. The native scroll event is provided.


removeClippedSubviews bool A performance optimization for improving scroll perf of large lists, used in conjunction with overflow: 'hidden' on the row containers. This is enabled by default.


dataSource ListViewDataSource An instance of ListView.DataSource to use


getMetrics() Exports some data, e.g. for perf investigations or analytics.


enableEmptySections bool Flag indicating whether empty section headers should be rendered. In the future release empty section headers will be rendered by default, and the flag will be deprecated. If empty sections are not desired to be rendered their indices should be excluded from sectionID object.




openURL(url) Try to open the given url with any of the installed apps. You can use other URLs, like a location (e.g. "geo:37.484847,-122.148386"), a contact, or any other URL that can be opened with the installed apps. NOTE: This method will fail if the system doesn't know how to open the specified URL. If you're passing in a non-http(s) URL, it's best to check {@code canOpenURL} first. NOTE: For web URLs, the protocol ("http://", "https://") must be set accordingly!