Recovery Target Settings

By default, recovery will recover to the end of the WAL log. The following parameters can be used to specify an earlier stopping point. At most one of recovery_target, recovery_target_name, recovery_target_time, or recovery_target_xid can be used; if more than one of these is specified in the configuration file, the last entry will be used. recovery_target = 'immediate' This parameter specifies that recovery should end as soon as a consistent state is reached, i.e. as early as possible. Whe

Range Functions and Operators

See Section 8.17 for an overview of range types. Table 9-49 shows the operators available for range types. Table 9-49. Range Operators Operator Description Example Result = equal int4range(1,5) = '[1,4]'::int4range t <> not equal numrange(1.1,2.2) <> numrange(1.1,2.3) t < less than int4range(1,10) < int4range(2,3) t > greater than int4range(1,10) > int4range(1,5) t <= less than or equal numrange(1.1,2.2) <= numrange(1.1,2.2) t >= greater than or equal numrange


The process of retrieving or the command to retrieve data from a database is called a query. In SQL the SELECT command is used to specify queries. The general syntax of the SELECT command is [WITH with_queries] SELECT select_list FROM table_expression [sort_specification] The following sections describe the details of the select list, the table expression, and the sort specification. WITH queries are treated last since they are an advanced feature. A simple kind of query has the form: SELECT


Name psql -- PostgreSQL interactive terminal Synopsis psql [option...] [dbname [username]] Description psql is a terminal-based front-end to PostgreSQL. It enables you to type in queries interactively, issue them to PostgreSQL, and see the query results. Alternatively, input can be from a file or from command line arguments. In addition, psql provides a number of meta-commands and various shell-like features to facilitate writing scripts and automating a wide variety of tasks. Option

Preventing Server Spoofing

While the server is running, it is not possible for a malicious user to take the place of the normal database server. However, when the server is down, it is possible for a local user to spoof the normal server by starting their own server. The spoof server could read passwords and queries sent by clients, but could not return any data because the PGDATA directory would still be secure because of directory permissions. Spoofing is possible because any user can start a database server; a client


NamePREPARE TRANSACTION -- prepare the current transaction for two-phase commit Synopsis PREPARE TRANSACTION transaction_id Description PREPARE TRANSACTION prepares the current transaction for two-phase commit. After this command, the transaction is no longer associated with the current session; instead, its state is fully stored on disk, and there is a very high probability that it can be committed successfully, even if a database crash occurs before the commit is requested. Once pre


When an object is created, it is assigned an owner. The owner is normally the role that executed the creation statement. For most kinds of objects, the initial state is that only the owner (or a superuser) can do anything with the object. To allow other roles to use it, privileges must be granted. There are different kinds of privileges: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, TRUNCATE, REFERENCES, TRIGGER, CREATE, CONNECT, TEMPORARY, EXECUTE, and USAGE. The privileges applicable to a particular object


The PostgreSQL type system contains a number of special-purpose entries that are collectively called pseudo-types. A pseudo-type cannot be used as a column data type, but it can be used to declare a function's argument or result type. Each of the available pseudo-types is useful in situations where a function's behavior does not correspond to simply taking or returning a value of a specific SQL data type. Table 8-25 lists the existing pseudo-types. Table 8-25. Pseudo-Types Name Description an


The postgres_fdw module provides the foreign-data wrapper postgres_fdw, which can be used to access data stored in external PostgreSQL servers. The functionality provided by this module overlaps substantially with the functionality of the older dblink module. But postgres_fdw provides more transparent and standards-compliant syntax for accessing remote tables, and can give better performance in many cases. To prepare for remote access using postgres_fdw: Install the postgres_fdw extension usin


Namepostmaster -- PostgreSQL database server Synopsis postmaster [option...] Description postmaster is a deprecated alias of postgres. See Also postgres Prev Next postgres Up Internals