Tutorial 3: Securing INVO

In this chapter, we continue explaining how INVO is structured, we’ll talk about the implementation of authentication, authorization using events and plugins and an access control list (ACL) managed by Phalcon. Log into the Application A “log in” facility will allow us to work on backend controllers. The separation between backend controllers and frontend ones is only logical. All controllers are located in the same directory (app/controllers/). To enter the system, users must have a valid user

Tutorial 4: Working with the CRUD

Backends usually provide forms to allow users to manipulate data. Continuing the explanation of INVO, we now address the creation of CRUDs, a very common task that Phalcon will facilitate you using forms, validations, paginators and more. Most options that manipulate data in INVO (companies, products and types of products) were developed using a basic and common CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete). Each CRUD contains the following files: invo/ app/ controllers/ Produc

Tutorial 5: Customizing INVO

To finish the detailed explanation of INVO we are going to explain how to customize INVO adding UI elements and changing the title according to the controller executed. User Components All the UI elements and visual style of the application has been achieved mostly through Bootstrap. Some elements, such as the navigation bar changes according to the state of the application. For example, in the upper right corner, the link “Log in / Sign Up” changes to “Log out” if a user is logged into the app

Tutorial 2: Introducing INVO

In this second tutorial, we’ll explain a more complete application in order to deepen the development with Phalcon. INVO is one of the applications we have created as samples. INVO is a small website that allows their users to generate invoices, and do other tasks such as manage their customers and products. You can clone its code from Github. Also, INVO was made with Bootstrap as client-side framework. Although the application does not generate invoices, it still serves as an example to unders

Tutorial 6: Vökuró

Vökuró is another sample application you can use to learn more about Phalcon. Vökuró is a small website that shows how to implement a security features and management of users and permissions. You can clone its code from Github. Project Structure Once you clone the project in your document root you’ll see the following structure: vokuro/ app/ config/ controllers/ forms/ library/ models/ views/ cache/ public/ css/ img/


public replacePlaceholders (mixed $translation, [mixed $placeholders]) Replaces placeholders by the values passed


implements Phalcon\Translate\InterpolatorInterface Source on GitHub Methods public replacePlaceholders (mixed $translation, [mixed $placeholders]) Replaces placeholders by the values passed


implements Phalcon\Translate\InterpolatorInterface Source on GitHub Methods public replacePlaceholders (mixed $translation, [mixed $placeholders]) Replaces placeholders by the values passed


public replacePlaceholders (mixed $translation, [mixed $placeholders]) Replaces placeholders by the values passed

Tutorial 1: Let’s learn by example

Throughout this first tutorial, we’ll walk you through the creation of an application with a simple registration form from the ground up. We will also explain the basic aspects of the framework’s behavior. If you are interested in automatic code generation tools for Phalcon, you can check our developer tools. The best way to use this guide is to follow each step in turn. You can get the complete code here. File structure Phalcon does not impose a particular file structure for application develo