
public getPath () Returns the current cookie’s path


public delete () Deletes the cookie by setting an expire time in the past


public getName () Returns the current cookie’s name


public valid () Check if the current element in the iterator is valid


public has (mixed $name) Checks if a form is registered in the forms manager


public Phalcon\Forms\Form create ([string $name], [object $entity]) Creates a form registering it in the forms manager

Generating URLs and Paths

Phalcon\Mvc\Url is the component responsible of generate URLs in a Phalcon application. It’s capable of produce independent URLs based on routes. Setting a base URI Depending of which directory of your document root your application is installed, it may have a base URI or not. For example, if your document root is /var/www/htdocs and your application is installed in /var/www/htdocs/invo then your baseUri will be /invo/. If you are using a VirtualHost or your application is installed on the docu


public get (mixed $name) Returns a form by its name


Source on GitHub Methods public Phalcon\Forms\Form create ([string $name], [object $entity]) Creates a form registering it in the forms manager public get (mixed $name) Returns a form by its name public has (mixed $name) Checks if a form is registered in the forms manager public set (mixed $name, Phalcon\Forms\Form $form) Registers a form in the Forms Manager


public set (mixed $name, Phalcon\Forms\Form $form) Registers a form in the Forms Manager