
public variables () Returns an HTML string of debugging information about any number of variables, each wrapped in a “pre” tag. $foo = "string"; $bar = ["key" => "value"]; $baz = new stdClass(); echo (new \Phalcon\Debug\Dump())->variables($foo, $bar, $baz);


public setDetailed (mixed $detailed) ...


public one (mixed $variable, [mixed $name]) Alias of variable() method


public toJson (mixed $variable) Returns an JSON string of information about a single variable. $foo = ["key" => "value"]; echo (new \Phalcon\Debug\Dump())->toJson($foo); $foo = new stdClass(); $foo->bar = 'buz'; echo (new \Phalcon\Debug\Dump())->toJson($foo);

Debugging Applications

PHP offers tools to debug applications with notices, warnings, errors and exceptions. The Exception class offers information such as the file, line, message, numeric code, backtrace etc. on where an error occurred. OOP frameworks like Phalcon mainly use this class to encapsulate this functionality and provide information back to the developer or user. Despite being written in C, Phalcon executes methods in the PHP userland, providing the debug capability that any other application or framewor


public all () Alias of variables() method


Source on GitHub Dumps information about a variable(s) $foo = 123; echo (new \Phalcon\Debug\Dump())->variable($foo, "foo"); $foo = "string"; $bar = ["key" => "value"]; $baz = new stdClass(); echo (new \Phalcon\Debug\Dump())->variables($foo, $bar, $baz); Methods public getDetailed () ... public setDetailed (mixed $detailed) ... public __construct ([array $styles], [mixed $detailed]) Phalcon\Debug\Dump constructor public all () Alias of variables() method protected getS


public setShowFiles (mixed $showFiles) Set if files part of the backtrace must be shown in the output


public setShowFileFragment (mixed $showFileFragment) Sets if files must be completely opened and showed in the output or just the fragment related to the exception


public setUri (mixed $uri) Change the base URI for static resources