
public computeHmac (mixed $data, mixed $key, mixed $algo, [mixed $raw]) Computes a HMAC


public checkHash (mixed $password, mixed $passwordHash, [mixed $maxPassLength]) Checks a plain text password and its hash version to check if the password matches


public checkToken ([mixed $tokenKey], [mixed $tokenValue], [mixed $destroyIfValid]) Check if the CSRF token sent in the request is the same that the current in session

Returning Responses

Part of the HTTP cycle is returning responses to clients. Phalcon\Http\Response is the Phalcon component designed to achieve this task. HTTP responses are usually composed by headers and body. The following is an example of basic usage: use Phalcon\Http\Response; // Getting a response instance $response = new Response(); // Set status code $response->setStatusCode(404, "Not Found"); // Set the content of the response $response->setContent("Sorry, the page doesn't exist"); // Send resp


The router component allows you to define routes that are mapped to controllers or handlers that should receive the request. A router simply parses a URI to determine this information. The router has two modes: MVC mode and match-only mode. The first mode is ideal for working with MVC applications. Defining Routes Phalcon\Mvc\Router provides advanced routing capabilities. In MVC mode, you can define routes and map them to controllers/actions that you require. A route is defined as follows: use

Request Environment

Every HTTP request (usually originated by a browser) contains additional information regarding the request such as header data, files, variables, etc. A web based application needs to parse that information so as to provide the correct response back to the requester. Phalcon\Http\Request encapsulates the information of the request, allowing you to access it in an object-oriented way. use Phalcon\Http\Request; // Getting a request instance $request = new Request(); // Check whether the request


final public rewind () Rewinds the registry cursor to its beginning


final public __unset (mixed $key) ...


final public __get (mixed $key) Returns an index in the registry