final public rewind () Rewinds resultset to its beginning
public offsetUnset (mixed $offset) Resultsets cannot be changed. It has only been implemented to meet the definition of the ArrayAccess interface
public offsetSet (int $index, Phalcon\Mvc\ModelInterface $value) Resultsets cannot be changed. It has only been implemented to meet the definition of the ArrayAccess interface
public offsetGet (mixed $index) Gets row in a specific position of the resultset
public offsetExists (mixed $index) Checks whether offset exists in the resultset
public next () Moves cursor to next row in the resultset
public key () Gets pointer number of active row in the resultset
public array jsonSerialize () Returns serialised model objects as array for json_encode. Calls jsonSerialize on each object if present $robots = Robots::find(); echo json_encode($robots);
public isFresh () Tell if the resultset if fresh or an old one cached
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