
rs.setRawMode(mode) mode should be true or false. This sets the properties of the tty.ReadStream to act either as a raw device or default. isRaw will be set to the resulting mode.


readStream.path The path to the file the stream is reading from.


rs.isRaw A Boolean that is initialized to false. It represents the current "raw" state of the tty.ReadStream instance.


Class: ReadStream A net.Socket subclass that represents the readable portion of a tty. In normal circumstances, process.stdin will be the only tty.ReadStream instance in any Node.js program (only when isatty(0) is true).


readline.moveCursor(stream, dx, dy) Move cursor relative to it's current position in a given TTY stream.


readline.cursorTo(stream, x, y) Move cursor to the specified position in a given TTY stream.


readline.createInterface(options) Creates a readline Interface instance. Accepts an options Object that takes the following values: input - the readable stream to listen to (Required). output - the writable stream to write readline data to (Optional). completer - an optional function that is used for Tab autocompletion. See below for an example of using this. terminal - pass true if the input and output streams should be treated like a TTY, and have ANSI/VT100 escape codes written to it


readline.clearScreenDown(stream) Clears the screen from the current position of the cursor down.


readline.clearLine(stream, dir) Clears current line of given TTY stream in a specified direction. dir should have one of following values: -1 - to the left from cursor 1 - to the right from cursor 0 - the entire line


Stability: 2 - Stable A stream is an abstract interface implemented by various objects in Node.js. For example a request to an HTTP server is a stream, as is process.stdout. Streams are readable, writable, or both. All streams are instances of EventEmitter. You can load the Stream base classes by doing require('stream'). There are base classes provided for Readable streams, Writable streams, Duplex streams, and Transform streams. This document is split up into 3 sections: The first section e