
decipher.update(data[, input_encoding][, output_encoding]) Updates the decipher with data. If the input_encoding argument is given, it's value must be one of 'binary', 'base64', or 'hex' and the data argument is a string using the specified encoding. If the input_encoding argument is not given, data must be a Buffer. If data is a Buffer then input_encoding is ignored. The output_encoding specifies the output format of the enciphered data, and can be 'binary', 'ascii' or 'utf8'. If the output_e


decipher.setAutoPadding(auto_padding=true) When data has been encrypted without standard block padding, calling decipher.setAuthPadding(false) will disable automatic padding to prevent from checking for and removing padding. Turning auto padding off will only work if the input data's length is a multiple of the ciphers block size. The decipher.setAutoPadding() method must be called before decipher.update().


decipher.setAuthTag(buffer) When using an authenticated encryption mode (only GCM is currently supported), the decipher.setAuthTag() method is used to pass in the received authentication tag. If no tag is provided, or if the cipher text has been tampered with, with throw, indicating that the cipher text should be discarded due to failed authentication.


decipher.setAAD(buffer) When using an authenticated encryption mode (only GCM is currently supported), the cipher.setAAD() method sets the value used for the additional authenticated data (AAD) input parameter.[output_encoding]) Returns any remaining deciphered contents. If output_encoding parameter is one of 'binary', 'base64' or 'hex', a string is returned. If an output_encoding is not provided, a Buffer is returned. Once the method has been called, the Decipher object can no longer be used to decrypt data. Attempts to call more than once will result in an error being thrown.


Class: Decipher Instances of the Decipher class are used to decrypt data. The class can be used in one of two ways: As a stream that is both readable and writable, where plain encrypted data is written to produce unencrypted data on the readable side, or Using the decipher.update() and methods to produce the unencrypted data. The crypto.createDecipher() or crypto.createDecipheriv() methods are used to create Decipher instances. Decipher objects are not to be created directly


Stability: 2 - Stable Node.js includes a full-featured out-of-process debugging utility accessible via a simple TCP-based protocol and built-in debugging client. To use it, start Node.js with the debug argument followed by the path to the script to debug; a prompt will be displayed indicating successful launch of the debugger: $ node debug myscript.js < debugger listening on port 5858 connecting... ok break in /home/indutny/Code/git/indutny/myscript.js:1 1 x = 5; 2 setTimeout(() => {

data event (stream.Readable)

Stability: 2 - Stable A stream is an abstract interface implemented by various objects in Node.js. For example a request to an HTTP server is a stream, as is process.stdout. Streams are readable, writable, or both. All streams are instances of EventEmitter. You can load the Stream base classes by doing require('stream'). There are base classes provided for Readable streams, Writable streams, Duplex streams, and Transform streams. This document is split up into 3 sections: The first section e

data event (net.Socket)

Event: 'data' <Buffer> Emitted when data is received. The argument data will be a Buffer or String. Encoding of data is set by socket.setEncoding(). (See the Readable Stream section for more information.) Note that the data will be lost if there is no listener when a Socket emits a 'data' event.


cryptoStream.bytesWritten A proxy to the underlying socket's bytesWritten accessor, this will return the total bytes written to the socket, including the TLS overhead.