
identify_column(x) Returns the data column identifier of the cell at position x. The tree column has ID #0.


identify(component, x, y) Returns a description of the specified component under the point given by x and y, or the empty string if no such component is present at that position.


heading(column, option=None, **kw) Query or modify the heading options for the specified column. If kw is not given, returns a dict of the heading option values. If option is specified then the value for that option is returned. Otherwise, sets the options to the corresponding values. The valid options/values are: text: text The text to display in the column heading. image: imageName Specifies an image to display to the right of the column heading. anchor: anchor Specifies how the


get_children(item=None) Returns the list of children belonging to item. If item is not specified, returns root children.


focus(item=None) If item is specified, sets the focus item to item. Otherwise, returns the current focus item, or ‘’ if there is none.


exists(item) Returns True if the specified item is present in the tree.


detach(*items) Unlinks all of the specified items from the tree. The items and all of their descendants are still present, and may be reinserted at another point in the tree, but will not be displayed. The root item may not be detached.


delete(*items) Delete all specified items and all their descendants. The root item may not be deleted.


column(column, option=None, **kw) Query or modify the options for the specified column. If kw is not given, returns a dict of the column option values. If option is specified then the value for that option is returned. Otherwise, sets the options to the corresponding values. The valid options/values are: id Returns the column name. This is a read-only option. anchor: One of the standard Tk anchor values. Specifies how the text in this column should be aligned with respect to the cell.


bbox(item, column=None) Returns the bounding box (relative to the treeview widget’s window) of the specified item in the form (x, y, width, height). If column is specified, returns the bounding box of that cell. If the item is not visible (i.e., if it is a descendant of a closed item or is scrolled offscreen), returns an empty string.