
executescript(sql_script) This is a nonstandard convenience method for executing multiple SQL statements at once. It issues a COMMIT statement first, then executes the SQL script it gets as a parameter. sql_script can be an instance of str. Example: import sqlite3 con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:") cur = con.cursor() cur.executescript(""" create table person( firstname, lastname, age ); create table book( title, author, published


executemany(sql, seq_of_parameters) Executes an SQL command against all parameter sequences or mappings found in the sequence seq_of_parameters. The sqlite3 module also allows using an iterator yielding parameters instead of a sequence. import sqlite3 class IterChars: def __init__(self): self.count = ord('a') def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self.count > ord('z'): raise StopIteration self.count += 1 r


execute(sql[, parameters]) Executes an SQL statement. The SQL statement may be parameterized (i. e. placeholders instead of SQL literals). The sqlite3 module supports two kinds of placeholders: question marks (qmark style) and named placeholders (named style). Here’s an example of both styles: import sqlite3 con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:") cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("create table people (name_last, age)") who = "Yeltsin" age = 72 # This is the qmark style: cur.execute("insert into p


description This read-only attribute provides the column names of the last query. To remain compatible with the Python DB API, it returns a 7-tuple for each column where the last six items of each tuple are None. It is set for SELECT statements without any matching rows as well.


connection This read-only attribute provides the SQLite database Connection used by the Cursor object. A Cursor object created by calling con.cursor() will have a connection attribute that refers to con: >>> con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:") >>> cur = con.cursor() >>> cur.connection == con True


close() Close the cursor now (rather than whenever __del__ is called). The cursor will be unusable from this point forward; a ProgrammingError exception will be raised if any operation is attempted with the cursor.


class sqlite3.Cursor A Cursor instance has the following attributes and methods. execute(sql[, parameters]) Executes an SQL statement. The SQL statement may be parameterized (i. e. placeholders instead of SQL literals). The sqlite3 module supports two kinds of placeholders: question marks (qmark style) and named placeholders (named style). Here’s an example of both styles: import sqlite3 con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:") cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("create table people (name_last, age


total_changes Returns the total number of database rows that have been modified, inserted, or deleted since the database connection was opened.


text_factory Using this attribute you can control what objects are returned for the TEXT data type. By default, this attribute is set to str and the sqlite3 module will return Unicode objects for TEXT. If you want to return bytestrings instead, you can set it to bytes. You can also set it to any other callable that accepts a single bytestring parameter and returns the resulting object. See the following example code for illustration: import sqlite3 con = sqlite3.connect(":memory:") cur = co


set_trace_callback(trace_callback) Registers trace_callback to be called for each SQL statement that is actually executed by the SQLite backend. The only argument passed to the callback is the statement (as string) that is being executed. The return value of the callback is ignored. Note that the backend does not only run statements passed to the Cursor.execute() methods. Other sources include the transaction management of the Python module and the execution of triggers defined in the curren