
xmlparser.ErrorByteIndex Byte index at which an error occurred.


xmlparser.EntityDeclHandler(entityName, is_parameter_entity, value, base, systemId, publicId, notationName) Called for all entity declarations. For parameter and internal entities, value will be a string giving the declared contents of the entity; this will be None for external entities. The notationName parameter will be None for parsed entities, and the name of the notation for unparsed entities. is_parameter_entity will be true if the entity is a parameter entity or false for general enti


xmlparser.EndNamespaceDeclHandler(prefix) Called when the closing tag is reached for an element that contained a namespace declaration. This is called once for each namespace declaration on the element in the reverse of the order for which the StartNamespaceDeclHandler was called to indicate the start of each namespace declaration’s scope. Calls to this handler are made after the corresponding EndElementHandler for the end of the element.


xmlparser.EndElementHandler(name) Called for the end of every element.


xmlparser.EndDoctypeDeclHandler() Called when Expat is done parsing the document type declaration. This requires Expat version 1.2 or newer.


xmlparser.EndCdataSectionHandler() Called at the end of a CDATA section.


xmlparser.ElementDeclHandler(name, model) Called once for each element type declaration. name is the name of the element type, and model is a representation of the content model.


xmlparser.DefaultHandlerExpand(data) This is the same as the DefaultHandler(), but doesn’t inhibit expansion of internal entities. The entity reference will not be passed to the default handler.


xmlparser.DefaultHandler(data) Called for any characters in the XML document for which no applicable handler has been specified. This means characters that are part of a construct which could be reported, but for which no handler has been supplied.


xmlparser.CurrentLineNumber Current line number in the parser input.