
parser.compilest(st, filename='') The Python byte compiler can be invoked on an ST object to produce code objects which can be used as part of a call to the built-in exec() or eval() functions. This function provides the interface to the compiler, passing the internal parse tree from st to the parser, using the source file name specified by the filename parameter. The default value supplied for filename indicates that the source was an ST object. Compiling an ST object may result in exceptio


exception OverflowError Raised when the result of an arithmetic operation is too large to be represented. This cannot occur for integers (which would rather raise MemoryError than give up). However, for historical reasons, OverflowError is sometimes raised for integers that are outside a required range. Because of the lack of standardization of floating point exception handling in C, most floating point operations are not checked.

Other Graphical User Interface Packages

Major cross-platform (Windows, Mac OS X, Unix-like) GUI toolkits are available for Python: See also PyGObject provides introspection bindings for C libraries using GObject. One of these libraries is the GTK+ 3 widget set. GTK+ comes with many more widgets than Tkinter provides. An online Python GTK+ 3 Tutorial is available. PyGTK provides bindings for an older version of the library, GTK+ 2. It provides an object oriented interface that is slightly higher level than the C one. There are also


oss_mixer_device.stereocontrols() Returns a bitmask indicating stereo mixer controls. If a bit is set, the corresponding control is stereo; if it is unset, the control is either monophonic or not supported by the mixer (use in combination with controls() to determine which). See the code example for the controls() function for an example of getting data from a bitmask.


oss_mixer_device.set_recsrc(bitmask) Call this function to specify a recording source. Returns a bitmask indicating the new recording source (or sources) if successful; raises OSError if an invalid source was specified. To set the current recording source to the microphone input: mixer.setrecsrc (1 << ossaudiodev.SOUND_MIXER_MIC)


oss_mixer_device.set(control, (left, right)) Sets the volume for a given mixer control to (left,right). left and right must be ints and between 0 (silent) and 100 (full volume). On success, the new volume is returned as a 2-tuple. Note that this may not be exactly the same as the volume specified, because of the limited resolution of some soundcard’s mixers. Raises OSSAudioError if an invalid mixer control was specified, or if the specified volumes were out-of-range.


oss_mixer_device.reccontrols() Returns a bitmask specifying the mixer controls that may be used to record. See the code example for controls() for an example of reading from a bitmask.


oss_mixer_device.get_recsrc() This method returns a bitmask indicating which control(s) are currently being used as a recording source.


oss_mixer_device.get(control) Returns the volume of a given mixer control. The returned volume is a 2-tuple (left_volume,right_volume). Volumes are specified as numbers from 0 (silent) to 100 (full volume). If the control is monophonic, a 2-tuple is still returned, but both volumes are the same. Raises OSSAudioError if an invalid control is specified, or OSError if an unsupported control is specified.


oss_mixer_device.fileno() Returns the file handle number of the open mixer device file.