
exception OSError([arg]) exception OSError(errno, strerror[, filename[, winerror[, filename2]]]) This exception is raised when a system function returns a system-related error, including I/O failures such as “file not found” or “disk full” (not for illegal argument types or other incidental errors). The second form of the constructor sets the corresponding attributes, described below. The attributes default to None if not specified. For backwards compatibility, if three arguments are passed,


os._exit(n) Exit the process with status n, without calling cleanup handlers, flushing stdio buffers, etc. Note The standard way to exit is sys.exit(n). _exit() should normally only be used in the child process after a fork().


os.WTERMSIG(status) Return the signal which caused the process to exit. Availability: Unix.


os.WSTOPSIG(status) Return the signal which caused the process to stop. Availability: Unix.


os.writev(fd, buffers) Write the contents of buffers to file descriptor fd. buffers must be a sequence of bytes-like objects. Buffers are processed in array order. Entire contents of first buffer is written before proceeding to second, and so on. The operating system may set a limit (sysconf() value SC_IOV_MAX) on the number of buffers that can be used. writev() writes the contents of each object to the file descriptor and returns the total number of bytes written. Availability: Unix. New i


os.write(fd, str) Write the bytestring in str to file descriptor fd. Return the number of bytes actually written. Note This function is intended for low-level I/O and must be applied to a file descriptor as returned by os.open() or pipe(). To write a “file object” returned by the built-in function open() or by popen() or fdopen(), or sys.stdout or sys.stderr, use its write() method. Changed in version 3.5: If the system call is interrupted and the signal handler does not raise an exceptio


os.WIFSTOPPED(status) Return True if the process has been stopped, otherwise return False. Availability: Unix.


os.WIFSIGNALED(status) Return True if the process exited due to a signal, otherwise return False. Availability: Unix.


os.WIFEXITED(status) Return True if the process exited using the exit(2) system call, otherwise return False. Availability: Unix.


os.WIFCONTINUED(status) Return True if the process has been continued from a job control stop, otherwise return False. Availability: Unix.