
operator.__imatmul__(a, b) a = imatmul(a, b) is equivalent to a @= b. New in version 3.5.


operator.__ilshift__(a, b) a = ilshift(a, b) is equivalent to a <<= b.


operator.__ifloordiv__(a, b) a = ifloordiv(a, b) is equivalent to a //= b.


operator.__iconcat__(a, b) a = iconcat(a, b) is equivalent to a += b for a and b sequences.


operator.__iand__(a, b) a = iand(a, b) is equivalent to a &= b.


operator.__iadd__(a, b) a = iadd(a, b) is equivalent to a += b.


operator.__gt__(a, b) Perform “rich comparisons” between a and b. Specifically, lt(a, b) is equivalent to a < b, le(a, b) is equivalent to a <= b, eq(a, b) is equivalent to a == b, ne(a, b) is equivalent to a != b, gt(a, b) is equivalent to a > b and ge(a, b) is equivalent to a >= b. Note that these functions can return any value, which may or may not be interpretable as a Boolean value. See Comparisons for more information about rich comparisons.


operator.__ge__(a, b) operator.__gt__(a, b) Perform “rich comparisons” between a and b. Specifically, lt(a, b) is equivalent to a < b, le(a, b) is equivalent to a <= b, eq(a, b) is equivalent to a == b, ne(a, b) is equivalent to a != b, gt(a, b) is equivalent to a > b and ge(a, b) is equivalent to a >= b. Note that these functions can return any value, which may or may not be interpretable as a Boolean value. See Comparisons for more information about rich comparisons.


operator.__getitem__(a, b) Return the value of a at index b.


operator.__floordiv__(a, b) Return a // b.