
NNTP.last() Send a LAST command. Return as for stat().


NNTP.ihave(message_id, data) Send an IHAVE command. message_id is the id of the message to send to the server (enclosed in '<' and '>'). The data parameter and the return value are the same as for post().


NNTP.help(*, file=None) Send a HELP command. Return a pair (response, list) where list is a list of help strings.


NNTP.head(message_spec=None, *, file=None) Same as article(), but sends a HEAD command. The lines returned (or written to file) will only contain the message headers, not the body.


NNTP.group(name) Send a GROUP command, where name is the group name. The group is selected as the current group, if it exists. Return a tuple (response, count, first, last, name) where count is the (estimated) number of articles in the group, first is the first article number in the group, last is the last article number in the group, and name is the group name.


NNTP.getwelcome() Return the welcome message sent by the server in reply to the initial connection. (This message sometimes contains disclaimers or help information that may be relevant to the user.)


NNTP.getcapabilities() Return the RFC 3977 capabilities advertised by the server, as a dict instance mapping capability names to (possibly empty) lists of values. On legacy servers which don’t understand the CAPABILITIES command, an empty dictionary is returned instead. >>> s = NNTP('news.gmane.org') >>> 'POST' in s.getcapabilities() True New in version 3.2.


NNTP.descriptions(grouppattern) Send a LIST NEWSGROUPS command, where grouppattern is a wildmat string as specified in RFC 3977 (it’s essentially the same as DOS or UNIX shell wildcard strings). Return a pair (response, descriptions), where descriptions is a dictionary mapping group names to textual descriptions. >>> resp, descs = s.descriptions('gmane.comp.python.*') >>> len(descs) 295 >>> descs.popitem() ('gmane.comp.python.bio.general', 'BioPython discussion l


NNTP.description(group) Get a description for a single group group. If more than one group matches (if ‘group’ is a real wildmat string), return the first match. If no group matches, return an empty string. This elides the response code from the server. If the response code is needed, use descriptions().


NNTP.date() Return a pair (response, date). date is a datetime object containing the current date and time of the server.