
Array(typecode, sequence) Create an array and return a proxy for it.


class multiprocessing.managers.SyncManager A subclass of BaseManager which can be used for the synchronization of processes. Objects of this type are returned by multiprocessing.Manager(). It also supports creation of shared lists and dictionaries. Barrier(parties[, action[, timeout]]) Create a shared threading.Barrier object and return a proxy for it. New in version 3.3. BoundedSemaphore([value]) Create a shared threading.BoundedSemaphore object and return a proxy for it. Con


class multiprocessing.managers.Namespace A type that can register with SyncManager. A namespace object has no public methods, but does have writable attributes. Its representation shows the values of its attributes. However, when using a proxy for a namespace object, an attribute beginning with '_' will be an attribute of the proxy and not an attribute of the referent: >>> manager = multiprocessing.Manager() >>> Global = manager.Namespace() >>> Global.x = 10 >&g


__str__() Return the representation of the referent.


__repr__() Return a representation of the proxy object.


_getvalue() Return a copy of the referent. If the referent is unpicklable then this will raise an exception.


_callmethod(methodname[, args[, kwds]]) Call and return the result of a method of the proxy’s referent. If proxy is a proxy whose referent is obj then the expression proxy._callmethod(methodname, args, kwds) will evaluate the expression getattr(obj, methodname)(*args, **kwds) in the manager’s process. The returned value will be a copy of the result of the call or a proxy to a new shared object – see documentation for the method_to_typeid argument of BaseManager.register(). If an exception


class multiprocessing.managers.BaseProxy Proxy objects are instances of subclasses of BaseProxy. _callmethod(methodname[, args[, kwds]]) Call and return the result of a method of the proxy’s referent. If proxy is a proxy whose referent is obj then the expression proxy._callmethod(methodname, args, kwds) will evaluate the expression getattr(obj, methodname)(*args, **kwds) in the manager’s process. The returned value will be a copy of the result of the call or a proxy to a new shared obje


start([initializer[, initargs]]) Start a subprocess to start the manager. If initializer is not None then the subprocess will call initializer(*initargs) when it starts.


shutdown() Stop the process used by the manager. This is only available if start() has been used to start the server process. This can be called multiple times.