
class msilib.CAB(name) The class CAB represents a CAB file. During MSI construction, files will be added simultaneously to the Files table, and to a CAB file. Then, when all files have been added, the CAB file can be written, then added to the MSI file. name is the name of the CAB file in the MSI file. append(full, file, logical) Add the file with the pathname full to the CAB file, under the name logical. If there is already a file named logical, a new file name is created. Return the ind


class msilib.Binary(filename) Represents entries in the Binary table; inserting such an object using add_data() reads the file named filename into the table.


msilib.add_tables(database, module) Add all table content from module to database. module must contain an attribute tables listing all tables for which content should be added, and one attribute per table that has the actual content. This is typically used to install the sequence tables.


msilib.add_stream(database, name, path) Add the file path into the _Stream table of database, with the stream name name.


msilib.add_data(database, table, records) Add all records to the table named table in database. The table argument must be one of the predefined tables in the MSI schema, e.g. 'Feature', 'File', 'Component', 'Dialog', 'Control', etc. records should be a list of tuples, each one containing all fields of a record according to the schema of the table. For optional fields, None can be passed. Field values can be ints, strings, or instances of the Binary class.


modulefinder.ReplacePackage(oldname, newname) Allows specifying that the module named oldname is in fact the package named newname.


run_script(pathname) Analyze the contents of the pathname file, which must contain Python code.

report() Print a report to standard output that lists the modules imported by the script and their paths, as well as modules that are missing or seem to be missing.


modules A dictionary mapping module names to modules. See Example usage of ModuleFinder.


class modulefinder.ModuleFinder(path=None, debug=0, excludes=[], replace_paths=[]) This class provides run_script() and report() methods to determine the set of modules imported by a script. path can be a list of directories to search for modules; if not specified, sys.path is used. debug sets the debugging level; higher values make the class print debugging messages about what it’s doing. excludes is a list of module names to exclude from the analysis. replace_paths is a list of (oldpath, n